hem around
Смотреть что такое "hem around" в других словарях:
hem\ around — • hem in • hem around • hem about v 1. To put something around, or to be placed around; surround. Mountains hemmed the town in on all sides. As soon as Tom and Bob started to fight, they were hemmed around by other boys. 2. See: fence in … Словарь американских идиом
To hem around — Hem Hem, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hemmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hemming}.] 1. To form a hem or border to; to fold and sew down the edge of. Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] 2. To border; to edge [1913 Webster] All the skirt about Was hemmed with golden fringe … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hem\ about — • hem in • hem around • hem about v 1. To put something around, or to be placed around; surround. Mountains hemmed the town in on all sides. As soon as Tom and Bob started to fight, they were hemmed around by other boys. 2. See: fence in … Словарь американских идиом
Hem — Hem, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hemmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hemming}.] 1. To form a hem or border to; to fold and sew down the edge of. Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] 2. To border; to edge [1913 Webster] All the skirt about Was hemmed with golden fringe.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hem — hem1 [hem] n. [ME < OE, akin to MLowG ham, enclosed piece of land < IE base * kem , to compress, impede > HAMPER1] 1. the border on a garment or piece of cloth, usually made by folding the edge and sewing it down 2. any border, edge, or… … English World dictionary
hem in — or[hem around] or[hem about] {v.} 1. To put something around, or to be placed around; surround. * /Mountains hemmed the town in on all sides./ * /As soon as Tom and Bob started to fight, they were hemmed around by other boys./ 2. See: FENCE IN … Dictionary of American idioms
hem in — or[hem around] or[hem about] {v.} 1. To put something around, or to be placed around; surround. * /Mountains hemmed the town in on all sides./ * /As soon as Tom and Bob started to fight, they were hemmed around by other boys./ 2. See: FENCE IN … Dictionary of American idioms
HEM Tourist Inn Amsterdam — (Амстердам,Нидерланды) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Voorburgstraat 250, Слотерва … Каталог отелей
Hem-Behag — is a late night (samay) raga in North Indian classical music that was composed by Ustad Baba Allaudin Khan.OriginHem Behag has principal roots in a more common raga, Bihag. Hem Behag or Bihag takes aspects of Raga Hemant. The raga probably… … Wikipedia
Hem, Nord — French commune|nomcommune=Hem région=Nord Pas de Calais département=Nord| arrondissement=Lille canton=Lannoy insee=59299 |cp=59510 |maire=Francis Vercamer |mandat=2008 2014 intercomm=Lille Métropole longitude=3.18861111111 latitude=50.6558333333… … Wikipedia
hem — I [[t]hɛm[/t]] v. hemmed, hem•ming, n. 1) clo to fold back and sew down the edge of (cloth, a garment, etc.); form an edge or border on or around 2) to enclose or confine (usu. fol. by in, around, or about): hemmed in by enemies[/ex] 3) clo an… … From formal English to slang