
[ʹhelət] n
1) (тж. Helot) др.-греч. илот
2) раб

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Смотреть что такое "helot" в других словарях:

  • Helot — He lot (?; 277), n. [L. Helotes, Hilotae, pl., fr. Gr. E e lws and E elw ths a bondman or serf of the Spartans; so named from Elos, a town of Laconia, whose inhabitants were enslaved; or perh. akin to e lei^n to take, conquer, used as 2d aor. of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • helot — index captive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Hélot — Porté notamment en Mayenne et dans les Côtes d Armor, pourrait être une variante du breton Hello (voir ce nom), tout comme les formes Hélo (56) et Hélou (29). Autre possibilité : diminutif du nom de personne d origine germanique Héloin (voir… …   Noms de famille

  • helot — 1570s (with a capital h ) Spartan serf, from Gk. Heilotes, pl. of Heilos, popularly associated with Helos, Laconian town reduced to serfdom by Sparta, but perhaps related to Gk. halonai be captured. In extended use by 1820s …   Etymology dictionary

  • helot — hèlōt m <G helóta> DEFINICIJA 1. pov. u antičkoj Sparti državni rob poljodjelac, u vojsci lako naoružani vojnik 2. pren. knjiš. zast. onaj koji je bez ikakvih osobnih prava ETIMOLOGIJA grč. heilôtes …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • helot — ► NOUN 1) a member of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. 2) a serf or slave. ORIGIN Greek Heil tes, traditionally taken as referring to inhabitants of Helos, an ancient Greek town whose… …   English terms dictionary

  • Helot — [hel′ət] n. [L Helotes, Hilotae, pl. < Gr Heilōtes, pl., taken as after Helos, town in Laconia whose inhabitants were enslaved by the Spartans, but < ? base of haliskesthai, to be captured < IE base * wel , to tear, injure > L vellere …   English World dictionary

  • Helot — helotage, n. /hel euht, hee leuht/, n. 1. a member of the lowest class in ancient Laconia, constituting a body of serfs who were bound to the land and were owned by the state. Cf. Perioeci, Spartiate. 2. (l.c.) a serf or slave; bondman. [1570 80; …   Universalium

  • Helot — Heloten (v. griech. heléin = nehmen, erobern; also „die Eroberten“, „die Gefangenen“) nannte man die Angehörigen einer sozialen Schicht von Menschen im Staat Lakedaimon (heute üblicherweise nach seinem Hauptort Sparta genannt), die zwar im Staat… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • helot — n. a serf ({{}}esp. Helot), of a class in ancient Sparta. Derivatives: helotism n. helotry n. Etymology: L helotes pl. f. Gk heilotes, otai, erron. taken as = inhabitants of Helos, a Laconian town …   Useful english dictionary

  • helot — noun Etymology: Latin Helotes, plural, from Greek Heilōtes Date: 1579 1. capitalized a member of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta 2. serf, slave • helotry noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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