- hellenist
- [ʹhelınıst] n
1. эллинист2. негрек, говорящий по-гречески
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hellenist — Hel len*ist, n. [Gr. ?: cf. F. Hell[ e]niste.] 1. One who affiliates with Greeks, or imitates Greek manners; esp., a person of Jewish extraction who used the Greek language as his mother tongue, as did the Jews of Asia Minor, Greece, Syria, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hellenist — [hel′ənist] n. [Gr Hellēnistēs, imitator of the Greeks < Hellēnizein, to speak Greek] 1. a non Greek, esp. a Jew of the Hellenistic period, who adopted the Greek language, customs, etc. 2. a specialist in the study of the Classical Greek… … English World dictionary
Hellenist — Hellenism ► NOUN 1) the national character or culture of Greece, especially ancient Greece. 2) the study or imitation of ancient Greek culture. DERIVATIVES Hellenist noun Hellenize (also Hellenise) verb … English terms dictionary
Hellenist — noun Date: 1613 1. a person living in Hellenistic times who was Greek in language, outlook, and way of life but was not Greek in ancestry; especially a hellenized Jew 2. a specialist in the language or culture of ancient Greece … New Collegiate Dictionary
Hellenist — /hel euh nist/, n. 1. a person, esp. in ancient times, adopting Greek speech, ideas, or customs. 2. a person who admires or studies Greek civilization. [1605 15; < Gk Hellenistés. See HELLENE, IST] * * * … Universalium
Hellenist — noun /ˈhɛl.ɪ.nɪst,ˈhɛl.ə.nɪst/ a) A specialist in the study of Greek language, literature, culture, or history, or an admirer of the Greek culture and civilization. b) A person who adopted the Greek customs, language and culture during the… … Wiktionary
Hellenist — Hel|le|nịst, der; en, en: 1. jmd., der sich wissenschaftlich mit dem nachklassischen Griechentum befasst. 2. (im N. T.) Griechisch sprechender, zur hellenistischen Kultur neigender Jude der Spätantike. * * * Hel|le|nịst, der; en, en: 1. jmd.,… … Universal-Lexikon
Hellenist — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. Greek scholar, classicist, philosopher; see professor , scholar 2 … English dictionary for students
Hellenist — Hel|le|nịst 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en〉 1. 〈früher〉 a) in der grch. Kultur gebildeter Gelehrter u. Schriftsteller des Alexandrinischen Zeitalters b) 〈bes. im NT〉 griechisch sprechender Jude der nachklassischen Zeit 2. Kenner, Erforscher der… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Hellenist — Hel|le|nist der; en, en <zu ↑...ist>: 1. jmd., der sich wissenschaftlich mit dem nachklassischen Griechentum befasst. 2. griechisch sprechender, zur hellenistischen Kultur neigender Jude der Spätantike … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
hellenist — Hel·len·ist || helɪnɪst n. one influenced by Hellenism (especially in ancient times); Greek scholar, one who admires or studies Greek civilization … English contemporary dictionary