- hedgehop
- 1. [ʹhedʒhɒp] n ав. разг.
бреющий полёт2. [ʹhedʒhɒp] v ав. разг.летать на бреющем полёте; лететь у самой земли
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hedgehop — ☆ hedgehop [hej′häp΄ ] vi. hedgehopped, hedgehopping Informal to fly an airplane very close to the ground, as for spraying insecticide hedgehopper n … English World dictionary
hedgehop — intransitive verb Etymology: back formation from hedgehopper Date: 1926 to fly an airplane close to the ground and rise over obstacles as they appear • hedgehopper noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
hedgehop — hedgehopper, n. /hej hop /, v.i., hedgehopped, hedgehopping. to fly an airplane at a very low altitude, as for spraying crops or for low level bombing in warfare. [1910 15; HEDGE + HOP1] * * * … Universalium
hedgehop — verb To fly an aircraft very close to the ground, such that evasive manoeuvres need to be taken to avoid obstacles … Wiktionary
hedgehop — v. fly a plane at low altitudes … English contemporary dictionary
hedgehop — hedge•hop [[t]ˈhɛdʒˌhɒp[/t]] v. i. hopped, hop•ping aer. to fly an airplane at a very low altitude, as for spraying crops hedge′hop per, n … From formal English to slang
hedgehop — /ˈhɛdʒhɒp/ (say hejhop) verb (i) (hedgehopped, hedgehopping) to fly an aeroplane at a very low altitude, as for spraying crops, bombing in warfare, etc. –hedgehopper, noun –hedgehopping, noun –hedgehopping, adjective …
hedgehop — verb fly very close to the ground • Syn: ↑flat hat • Hypernyms: ↑fly, ↑aviate, ↑pilot • Verb Frames: Somebody s … Useful english dictionary
flat-hat — verb fly very close to the ground • Syn: ↑hedgehop • Hypernyms: ↑fly, ↑aviate, ↑pilot • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ … Useful english dictionary
flat-hat — intransitive verb Etymology: from an alleged incident in which a pedestrian s hat was crushed by a low flying plane Date: 1940 to fly low in an airplane in a reckless manner ; hedgehop • flat hatter noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
hedgehopper — noun see hedgehop … New Collegiate Dictionary