
[͵ænθrəpə(ʋ)ʹsentrık] a филос.
антропоцентрический, считающий человека центром вселенной и высшей целью мироздания

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "anthropocentric" в других словарях:

  • Anthropocentric — An thro*po*cen tric, a. [Gr. ? man + ? center.] Assuming man as the center or ultimate end; applied to theories of the universe or of any part of it, as the solar system. Draper. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anthropocentric — (adj.) regarding man as the center, 1855, from ANTHROPO (Cf. anthropo ) + CENTRIC (Cf. centric). Related: Anthropocentrically …   Etymology dictionary

  • anthropocentric — [an΄thrə pō΄sen′trik, an΄thrəpəsen′trik] adj. [ ANTHROPO + CENTRIC] 1. that considers humankind as the central focus, or final goal, of the universe 2. conceiving of everything in the universe in terms of human values …   English World dictionary

  • anthropocentric — (Gk., man + centre) Any view magnifying the importance of human beings in the cosmos, e.g. by seeing it as created for our benefit. An account of a property such as that of a colour is anthropocentric if it incorporates an element relating… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • anthropocentric — adjective Date: 1863 1. considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe 2. interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences • anthropocentrically adverb • anthropocentricity noun •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • anthropocentric — anthropocentrically, adv. /an threuh poh sen trik/, adj. 1. regarding the human being as the central fact of the universe. 2. assuming human beings to be the final aim and end of the universe. 3. viewing and interpreting everything in terms of… …   Universalium

  • anthropocentric — adjective Placing humans at the center of something, giving preference to humans above all other considerations …   Wiktionary

  • anthropocentric — With a human bias; under the assumption that humans are the central fact of the universe. [anthropo + G. kentron, center] * * * an·thro·po·cen·tric (an″thrə po senґtrik) [anthropo + centric] with a human bias; considering human beings… …   Medical dictionary

  • anthropocentric — adj. viewing man as the central element or purpose of the universe; viewing reality solely in terms of human experience …   English contemporary dictionary

  • anthropocentric — adjective regarding humankind as the most important element of existence. Derivatives anthropocentrically adverb anthropocentrism noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • anthropocentric — an·thro·po·cen·tric …   English syllables

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