
1. [heʹbrıdıən] = Hebridean I и II 2. [heʹbrıdıən] = Hebridean I и II

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hebridian" в других словарях:

  • Hebridian — Hebridean He*brid e*an, Hebridian He*brid i*an, a. Of or pertaining to the islands called Hebrides, west of Scotland. n. A native or inhabitant of the Hebrides. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hebridian — I. adjective see hebridean I II. noun see hebridean II …   Useful english dictionary

  • Human civilizations in Stargate SG-1 — This is a list of the human civilizations featured in the television series Stargate SG 1 .In the Stargate universe, the alien race known as Goa uld used Stargates to transport large numbers of humans to other planets for use as slaves. Some of… …   Wikipedia

  • Hebridean — He*brid e*an, Hebridian He*brid i*an, a. Of or pertaining to the islands called Hebrides, west of Scotland. n. A native or inhabitant of the Hebrides. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lismore, Scotland — Infobox Scottish island latitude=56.52 longitude= 5.5 GridReference=NM840408 celtic name= Lios Mòr norse name= Unknown meaning of name= great garden or great enclosure area=2,351 ha area rank=33 highest elevation= Barr Mòr 127 m Population=146… …   Wikipedia

  • RRH Benbecula — Overview RRH Benbecula is a Remote Radar Head operated by the Royal Air Force. Contrary to popular belief the head is not actually situated on the island of Benbecula but rather on the island of North Uist. Both islands are part of the Outer… …   Wikipedia

  • New Hebrides franc — User(s) New Hebrides Inflation Subunit 100 centime Symbol Fr Coins 1, 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Gaelic clothing and fashion — Despite common misconceptions, the common clothing of Gaels in the Middle Ages was not that of a kilt, especially as we know it today. Clothing generally consisted of a léine (a knee length shirt, sometimes dyed with saffron), a brat (a very… …   Wikipedia

  • Starships in Stargate — This is a list of starships in the Stargate franchise.Ancient starshipsThe Ancients are one of the most technologically advanced races in Stargate , and this is reflected in their starships. Duplicates of these ships are utilized by their nanite… …   Wikipedia

  • Donald Kalpokas — Masike Vanua (* 23. August 1943 in Éfaté, Neue Hebriden) ist ein Politiker und ehemaliger Premierminister von Vanuatu. Politische Aktivitäten vor der Unabhängigkeit Im Juni 1971 gründete er zusammen mit John Bennett Bani und Walter Hadye Lini die …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kalpokas — Donald Kalpokas Masike Vanua (* 23. August 1943 in Efate/ Neue Hebriden) ist ein Politiker und ehemaliger Premierminister von Vanuatu. Politische Aktivitäten vor der Unabhängigkeit Im Juni 1971 gründete er zusammen mit John Bennett Bani und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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