
[ʹhevılı] adv
1. 1) тяжело

heavily loaded car - тяжело нагруженная машина

heavily booted feet - ноги в тяжёлых сапогах

to lean heavily upon smb. - тяжело опереться на кого-л.

to hang heavily on smb.'s arm - тяжело повиснуть на чьей-л. руке

to press heavily - сильно давить /нажимать/

2) грузно, неловко

to fall heavily - тяжело рухнуть /упасть/, грузно опуститься

2. 1) тягостно, тяжело; горько

to sigh heavily - тяжело вздохнуть

to complain heavily - горько сетовать /жаловаться/

to take the news heavily - тяжело переживать известие

2) арх. печально, горестно
3. медленно; с трудом, тяжело

to move [to walk] heavily - с трудом /тяжело/ двигаться [ходить]

time passes heavily - медленно ползёт время

time hangs heavily on his hands - он не знает, как убить время

4. сильно; интенсивно; много

heavily wooded - густо поросший лесом

heavily populated areas - густонаселённые районы

heavily veiled - под густой вуалью

heavily underlined - подчёркнутый жирной чертой

heavily travelled line - ж.-д. дорога с интенсивным движением

heavily armed - воен. сильно вооружённый, с мощным вооружением

heavily held - воен. обороняемый крупными силами

heavily reinforced - воен. получивший большие подкрепления

heavily committed - воен. ведущий напряжённый бой

to suffer heavily - сильно пострадать, понести большие потери (часто о материальном ущербе)

to be punished [fined] heavily - понести суровое наказание [заплатить большой штраф]

to sleep heavily - спать глубоким /крепким/ сном

to lose heavily - много проигрывать

to drink heavily - сильно пить, пьянствовать

to attack heavily - воен. атаковать крупными силами

it's raining heavily - идёт сильный дождь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "heavily" в других словарях:

  • Heavily — Heav i*ly, adv. [From 2d {Heavy}.] 1. In a heavy manner; with great weight; as, to bear heavily on a thing; to be heavily loaded. [1913 Webster] Heavily interested in those schemes of emigration. The Century. [1913 Webster] 2. As if burdened with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heavily — [hev′ə lē] adv. in a heavy manner; specif., a) with a heavy weight [heavily burdened] b) as if with a heavy weight; slowly; clumsily; laboriously [to rise heavily from one s seat] c) oppressively; severely [heavily taxed] d) abundantly [heavily… …   English World dictionary

  • heavily — UK US /ˈhevɪli/ adverb ► a lot or to a large degree: »In France and Switzerland, the agriculture sector is heavily subsidised. »China is heavily dependent on coal, which currently accounts for about 68% of its energy. »We are looking to invest… …   Financial and business terms

  • heavily — O.E. hefiglice violently, intensely; sorrowfully; sluggishly, from hefig (see HEAVY (Cf. heavy)) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • heavily — heav|i|ly [ hevıli ] adverb *** ▸ 1 in large amounts ▸ 2 very ▸ 3 to a large degree ▸ 4 with a lot of force ▸ 5 in uncomfortable way ▸ 6 slowly and sadly ▸ 7 slowly and loudly ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) in large amounts: They had borrowed heavily to buy… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • heavily */*/*/ — UK [ˈhevɪlɪ] / US adverb 1) to a large degree an area that relied heavily on the mines for jobs heavily populated urban areas Her work was heavily influenced by her father s. 2) very Both of us are heavily involved in charity work. heavily… …   English dictionary

  • heavily — heav|ily W3 [ˈhevıli] adv 1.) in large amounts, to a high degree, or with great severity = ↑very ▪ I became heavily involved in politics. ▪ The report was heavily criticized in the press. ▪ a heavily populated area ▪ thousands of heavily armed… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • heavily — [ˈhevɪli] adv 1) very, or to a large degree heavily populated areas[/ex] Her work was heavily influenced by her father s.[/ex] The men were heavily armed (= carrying a lot of weapons).[/ex] 2) in large amounts She had been smoking heavily since… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • heavily — adverb 1. to a considerable degree (Freq. 23) he relied heavily on others data • Syn: ↑to a great extent • Derived from adjective: ↑heavy 2. in a heavy footed manner (Freq. 7) …   Useful english dictionary

  • heavily — /hev euh lee/, adv. 1. with a great weight or burden: a heavily loaded wagon. 2. in a manner suggestive of carrying a great weight; ponderously; lumberingly: He walked heavily across the room. 3. in an oppressive manner: Cares weigh heavily upon… …   Universalium

  • heavily — heav•i•ly [[t]ˈhɛv ə li[/t]] adv. 1) with a great weight: heavily loaded[/ex] 2) ponderously; lumberingly: to walk heavily[/ex] 3) oppressively: Cares weigh heavily upon him[/ex] 4) severely; intensely: to suffer heavily[/ex] 5) densely; thickly …   From formal English to slang

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