- heat death
- [ʹhi:tdeθ] физ.
«тепловая смерть» (Вселенной)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heat death — noun : an ultimate state of thermal equilibrium implying conditions of maximum entropy and zero available energy that according to the laws of thermodynamics the material universe is apparently approaching * * * Thermodynam. See under entropy… … Useful english dictionary
heat death — šiluminė mirtis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. heat death vok. Wärmetod, m rus. тепловая смерть, f pranc. mort de chaleur, f; mort énergétique, f; mort thermique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Heat death of the universe — For the album, see The Heat Death of the Universe. Physical cosmology Universe … Wikipedia
Heat death paradox — The heat death paradox, also known as Clausius paradox and thermodynamic paradox,[1] is an argument attempting to use thermodynamics to make deductions about the nature of the universe. Specifically, it attempts to argue against an infinitely old … Wikipedia
heat death — Thermodynam. See under entropy (def. 3). [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
heat death — noun The state of a thermodynamic system having reached a maximum entropy; temperature is uniform throughout, and no energy is available to do work … Wiktionary
heat death — noun Physics a state of uniform distribution of energy, especially viewed as a possible fate of the universe … English new terms dictionary
heat death — /ˈhit dɛθ/ (say heet deth) noun (of the universe) the proposition that the universe will come to an end when all its components are at the same temperature, the entropy of the universe will then be at a maximum and its available energy nil. This… …
Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death — This is the timeline of the Universe from Big Bang to Heat Death scenario. The different Eras of the Universe are shown.ImageSize = width:840 height:2000PlotArea = left:40 right:235 bottom:75 top:75Colors = id:period1 value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light… … Wikipedia
heat death of the universe — noun entropic doom … Wiktionary
Heat engine — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia