
[helθ] n
1. здоровье

Ministry of Health - министерство здравоохранения

public health - здравоохранение

bill of health, health bill - санитарный патент, карантинное свидетельство

broken in health - с подорванным здоровьем

to have /to enjoy/ good health - быть здоровым, иметь крепкое здоровье

to be in good health - быть здоровым, быть в добром здравии

to be in bad /poor, ill/ health, to be out of health - иметь слабое здоровье

to recover /to regain, to restore/ one's health - поправиться, восстановить своё здоровье

to look after one's health - следить за своим здоровьем

to preserve one's health - сохранить своё здоровье

to risk /to endanger, to expose to danger/ one's health - рисковать своим здоровьем

to ruin one's health - погубить /подорвать/ своё здоровье

to inquire after smb.'s health - справляться о чьём-л. здоровье

to drink smb.'s health, to drink a health to smb. - пить за чьё-л. здоровье

to propose smb.'s health - провозгласить тост за кого-л.

(to) your (good) health! - (за) ваше здоровье!

he looks the picture of health - он пышет здоровьем

2. целебная сила

there's health in the sea-breezes and sunshine - морской ветер и солнце обладают целебными свойствами

3. благосостояние, процветание; жизнеспособность

a menace to the economic health of the country - угроза экономическому процветанию страны

for one's health, for the good of one's health - ради собственного удовольствия; бесплатно; ≅ за здорово живёшь

businessmen don't work for the good of their health - деловые люди просто так ничего не делают

good health is above wealth, health before wealth, wealth is nothing without health - посл. здоровье дороже денег

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "health" в других словарях:

  • Health 2.0 — (as well as the closely related concept of Medicine 2.0[1]) are terms representing the possibilities between health care, eHealth and Web 2.0, and has come into use after a recent spate of articles in newspapers, and by Physicians and Medical… …   Wikipedia

  • health — W1S1 [helθ] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: hAlth, from hal; WHOLE1] 1.) the general condition of your body and how healthy you are ▪ I m worried about my husband s health. ▪ Smoking can seriously damage your health . ▪ things that can be done to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Health 21 — is the name given to the contents of the 1999 WHO European Region document Health 21 Health for all in the 21st Century . This document was so called because it dealt not only with health in the 21st century, but also laid out 21 principles and… …   Wikipedia

  • health — [helθ] noun [uncountable] 1. the business of providing medical services to keep people healthy; = HEALTHCARE: • Increased resources had been made available for health, housing, and education. • Rentokil specialises in industrial products in the… …   Financial and business terms

  • health — [ helθ ] noun uncount *** 1. ) the condition of your body, especially whether or not you are sick: His health improved once he stopped working. Smoking can seriously damage your health. in good health: She is 85 and still in very good health. in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • health — I noun condition, fitness, freedom from ailment, freedom from disease, haleness, hardiness, heartiness, physical condition, robustness, ruggedness, salubriousness, salubrity, salus, sanitas, soundness, soundness of body, stamina, state of health …   Law dictionary

  • health´i|ly — health|y «HEHL thee», adjective, health|i|er, health|i|est. 1. having good health; sound; well: »a healthy baby …   Useful english dictionary

  • health|y — «HEHL thee», adjective, health|i|er, health|i|est. 1. having good health; sound; well: »a healthy baby …   Useful english dictionary

  • Health — (h[e^]lth), n. [OE. helthe, AS. h[=ae]l[thorn], fr. h[=a]l hale, sound, whole. See {Whole}.] 1. The state of being hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind, or soul; especially, the state of being free from physical disease or pain. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • health — health; health·ful; health·ful·ly; health·ful·ness; health·i·ly; health·i·ness; health·less; health·some; sub·health; un·health; …   English syllables

  • Health — es una banda de rock enmarcada en la corriente noise rock formada en el año 2006 en Los Ángeles. Contenido 1 Miembros actuales 2 Discografía 2.1 Álbumes 2.2 …   Wikipedia Español

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