Headhunting — is the practice of taking a person s head after killing him or her. Headhunting was practiced during the pre colonial era in parts of China, India, Nigeria, Nuristan, Myanmar, Borneo, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Micronesia,… … Wikipedia
headhunting — [n] recruiting executive recruiting, executive recruitment, recruitment, talent search; concept 351 … New thesaurus
headhunting — /hed hun ting/, n. 1. (among certain primitive peoples) the practice of hunting down and decapitating victims and preserving their heads as trophies. 2. the act or practice of actively searching for new employees, esp. for professionals or… … Universalium
headhunting — headhunt head‧hunt [ˈhedhʌnt] verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES to find a manager with the right skills and experience to do a particular job, often by persuading a suitable person to leave their present job: • Mr Birt was headhunted to be… … Financial and business terms
headhunting — /hed hun ting/, n. 1. (among certain primitive peoples) the practice of hunting down and decapitating victims and preserving their heads as trophies. 2. the act or practice of actively searching for new employees, esp. for professionals or… … Useful english dictionary
Headhunting — Headhunter (engl.: wortwörtlich Kopfjäger) bezeichnet: den englischen Begriff für einen Personalvermittler oder Personalberater, insbesondere für das leitende Management eine 1989 gegründete, deutsche Metal Band, siehe Headhunter (Band) ein Spiel … Deutsch Wikipedia
headhunting — noun a) The cutting off and preservation of the heads of ones enemies b) The active recruitment of executive personnel … Wiktionary
headhunting — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. recruiting, talent search … English dictionary for students
Headhunting — Head|hun|ting 〈[hɛ̣dhʌntıŋ] n.; Gen.: od. s; Pl.: unz.; Wirtsch.〉 die Vermittlung von Führungskräften für Unternehmen … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Headhunting — Head|hun|ting [...hʌntiŋ] das; s <zu engl. hunting »Jagd«, dies zu to hunt »jagen«> Vermittlung von Führungskräften … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
headhunting — n. taking of human heads as trophies, scalping; recruiting of skilled employees for job positions … English contemporary dictionary