- head money
- [ʹhed͵mʌnı]
1. 1) ист. подушный налог2) амер. избирательный налог2. 1) награда за поимку (кого-л.) или за голову (врага, преступника)2) ист. выкуп за пленника, раба и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Head money — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
head money — noun 1. : head tax 2. : money paid for killing or capturing a person (as an outlaw) : bounty * * * 1. a tax of so much per head or person. 2. a reward paid for capturing or killing an outlaw, fugitive, or the like. [1520 30] * * * head money n … Useful english dictionary
head money — A sum of money reckoned at a fixed amount for each head (person) in a designated class. Particularly (1) a capitation tax or poll tax. (2) A bounty offered by the laws of the United States for each person on board an enemy s ship or vessel, at… … Black's law dictionary
head money — A sum of money reckoned at a fixed amount for each head (person) in a designated class. Particularly (1) a capitation tax or poll tax. (2) A bounty offered by the laws of the United States for each person on board an enemy s ship or vessel, at… … Black's law dictionary
Head Money Cases — SCOTUSCase Litigants=The Head Money Cases ArgueDateA=November 19 ArgueDateB=20 ArgueYear=1884 DecideDate=December 8 DecideYear=1884 FullName=Edye and Another v. Robertson, Collector; Cunard Steamship Company v. Robertson; Same v. Same USVol=112… … Wikipedia
head money — /ˈhɛd mʌni/ (say hed munee) noun 1. a tax of so much per head or person. 2. a reward paid for each person captured or brought in. 3. a reward for the killing, and sometimes for the actual head, of an outlaw or enemy …
head money — A gratuity distributed among the officers and crew of a ship in the same manner as prize money is distributed. A reward for the taking of a person wanted for prosecution, or an escaped convict, dead or alive. An admission tax … Ballentine's law dictionary
head money — 1. a tax of so much per head or person. 2. a reward paid for capturing or killing an outlaw, fugitive, or the like. [1520 30] * * * … Universalium
head-money — n. Poll tax, capitation tax … New dictionary of synonyms
head-money — … Useful english dictionary
Head Money Cases — Certain famous cases in which the United States Supreme Court sustained the validity of the Act of August 3, 1882, imposing upon the owners of steam or sailing vessels bringing passengers from a foreign port a duty of fifty cents for each such… … Ballentine's law dictionary