- head count
- [ʹhedkaʋnt] разг.
1) «счёт по головам»; перепись2) опрос (общественного мнения и т. п.)3) подсчёт голосов (на выборах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
head count — head counts N COUNT If you do a head count, you count the number of people present. You can also use head count to talk about the number of people that are present at an event, or that an organization employs … English dictionary
head count — head ,count noun count an occasion when you count all the people in a place or organization: A head count at the shelter found that 250 people were homeless … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
head count — head′ count or head′count n. cvb an inventory of people in a group taken by counting individuals: a head count of senators opposing the bill[/ex] … From formal English to slang
Head count — may refer to :* Capite censi , a Latin expression referring to the non nobility * Counting the number of heads, i.e. people, in a group, a vehicle, etc … Wikipedia
head count — n 1.) the act of counting how many people are present in a particular place at one time ▪ The teachers did a headcount to check that none of the kids were missing. 2.) [U and C] technical the number of people working for a company … Dictionary of contemporary English
head count — Informal 1. the act of counting the people in a certain category 2. the number of people so counted: Also written headcount n … English World dictionary
head count — noun number of people in a particular group • Syn: ↑headcount • Hypernyms: ↑count * * * 1. an inventory of people in a group taken by counting individuals. 2. any count of support, strength, etc.: a head count of senators opposing the bill. Also … Useful english dictionary
head count — 1. an inventory of people in a group taken by counting individuals. 2. any count of support, strength, etc.: a head count of senators opposing the bill. Also, headcount. * * * … Universalium
head count — noun do a head count to count how many people are present … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
head count — Synonyms and related words: account, accounts, agenda, beadroll, body count, cadastre, calendar, capitulation, census, census report, checklist, checkroll, count, docket, dramatis personae, honor roll, inventory, jury list, jury panel, lineup,… … Moby Thesaurus
head count — noun a) An act of counting a small group of people. b) The exact number of people in a group or organization … Wiktionary