- hazer
- [ʹheızə] n амер.
тот, кто изводит, донимает (новичков); насмешник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hazer — (von engl. haze „Dunst“) sind Dunstgeräte, die auf Bühnen eingesetzt werden. Das Verfahren ähnelt dem einer chemischen Nebelmaschine, jedoch sollen Hazer im Gegensatz eher unsichtbar und dezent im Hintergrund arbeiten, während Kunstnebel als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hazer — is :#who or which hazes (an old word for scaring, confusing, harassing), such as ## the bull dogger s partner in steer wrestling, a rodeo discipline ## a senior who participates in hazing at the expense of a pledge, as in a fraternity ##a haze… … Wikipedia
Hazer Tarkhan — was a general (tarkhan is both a military rank and, in some cases, a personal name) who led a Khazar army of 40,000 men in the failed defense of Atil in 737 CE. He was ambushed and killed by Kawthar, the lieutenant of Marwan ibn Muhammad (later… … Wikipedia
hazer — noun see haze III … New Collegiate Dictionary
hazer — /hay zeuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that hazes. 2. a horse rider who assists in rodeo bulldogging by riding on the opposite side of the steer as the competing cowboy to keep the steer running in a straight path. [1895 1900; HAZE2 + ER1] * * * … Universalium
hazer — noun One who administers acts of hazing … Wiktionary
hazer — n. one who humiliates; one who arranges humiliating initiation rites (for new students) … English contemporary dictionary
hazer — haz·er … English syllables
hazer — (A.) [ زﺬﺣ ] sakınma … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü
HAZER — Çekinme. Zarar verebilecek şeyden kaçınma. Korunma … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
hazer — ˈhāzə(r) noun ( s) : one that hazes: as a. : one of two cowboys who ride beside a bucking horse to protect both horse and broncobuster b. : a rider who assists a cowboy bulldogging steers by riding on the opposite side of the steer to keep it… … Useful english dictionary