- hawbuck
- [ʹhɔ:bʌk] n
неотёсанный парень, мужлан
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hawbuck — hawˈbuck noun A bumpkin • • • Main Entry: ↑haw … Useful english dictionary
Surtees, Robert Smith — born May 17, 1803, The Riding, Northumberland, Eng. died March 16, 1864, Brighton, Sussex English novelist. Passionately addicted to riding to hounds from his youth, Surtees devoted nearly all his writings to horses and riding. In 1831 he… … Universalium
List of British regional nicknames — As with most countries, the United Kingdom has many nicknames for residents of its cities and regions. For example, residents of Liverpool are referred to as Liverpudlians or Scousers . Some of these names are a badge of pride, in other cases… … Wikipedia
Surtees, Robert Smith — (17 may. 1803, The Riding, Northumberland, Inglaterra–16 mar. 1864, Brighton, Sussex). Novelista inglés. Apasionado desde su juventud a la caza con perros, Surtees dedicó casi la totalidad de sus escritos al tema de los caballos y la monta. En… … Enciclopedia Universal
hobo — 1889, Western U.S., of unknown origin. Barnhart compares early 19c. English dialectal hawbuck lout, clumsy fellow, country bumpkin. Or possibly from ho, boy, a workers call on late 19c. western U.S. railroads. Facetious formation hobohemia,… … Etymology dictionary
boor — n 1. churl, curmudgeon, brute, barbarian, yahoo, Inf. goop, Chiefly Scot. tyke, Brit. Sl. mucker; lout, oaf, dolt, clod, clodhopper, clodpoll or clodpole or clodpate, gawk, looby, lubber, ox, clown, slouch, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
bumpkin — n rustic, peasant, provincial, country cousin, countryman; yokel, country bumpkin, hawbuck, hobnail, Dial. lumpkin, Often Disparaging. hillbilly, Disparaging. bogtrotter, Inf. chawbacon, Inf. cider squeezer, Sl. hick, Sl. rube, Sl. hayseed, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
churl — n 1. rustic, peasant, provincial, country cousin, countryman, hobnail; farmer, plowman, plow boy, chuff, swain, gaffer, kern, son or tiller of the soil, (in Egypt) fellah, (in Russia) muszhik or moujik, (in Spanish America and Southwestern U.S.)… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
clodhopper — n 1. rustic, peasant, provincial, country cousin, countryman, hobnail; farmer, plowman, plowboy, chuff, son or tiller of the soil, swain, kern, gaffer, (in Egypt) fellah, (in Russia) muszhik or mujick, (in Spanish A merica and South western U.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
clown — n 1. buffoon, merry andrew; jester, fool, harlequin, pantomime, mime; punch, pantaloon, Scaramouch; zany droll, wag, Fr. farceur. wit, comic, comedian, humorist, funnyman; joker, prankster, practical joker, Inf. cutup, Inf. card. 2. boor, churl,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
farmer — n 1. agriculturalist, agronomist, granger, yeoman, landsman, husbandman; plowman, plowboy, sodbuster, chuff, gaffer, swain, kerne, son or tiller of the soil, (in Egypt) fellah, (in Russia) muzhik, (in Spanish America and Southwestern U.S.) peon,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder