- havocking
- [ʹhævəkıŋ] pres. p. от havoc II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
havocking — hav·oc || hævÉ™k n. destruction, devastation; chaos, confusion v. destroy, demolish, devastate; create chaos and disorder … English contemporary dictionary
havoc — I. noun Etymology: Middle English havok, from Anglo French, modification of Old French havot plunder Date: 15th century 1. wide and general destruction ; devastation 2. great confusion and disorder < the blackout caused havoc in the city > II.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Chess Pieces (MÄR) — The Chess Pieces (チェスの兵隊, Chesu no Koma ) is a fictional organization in the anime and manga series MÄR: Märchen Awakens Romance by the author Nobuyuki Anzai, and plays the role of the main antagonist faction. It is a military faction which, over … Wikipedia
havoc — havocker, n. /hav euhk/, n., v., havocked, havocking. n. 1. great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage. 2. cry havoc, to warn of danger or disaster. 3. play havoc with, a. to create confusion or disorder in: The wind played havoc with the… … Universalium
havoc — noun 1》 widespread destruction. 2》 great confusion or disorder. verb (havocs, havocking, havocked) archaic lay waste to. Phrases play havoc with completely disrupt. Origin ME: from Anglo Norman Fr. havok, alt. of OFr. havot, of unknown origin;… … English new terms dictionary
havoc — /ˈhævək / (say havuhk) noun 1. devastation; ruinous damage. 2. Obsolete (a word used as the signal for pillage in warfare): to cry havoc. –verb (havocked, havocking) –verb (t) 3. to work havoc upon. –verb (i) 4. to work havoc. –phrase 5 …
havoc — [hav′ək, hav′äk΄] n. [earlier esp. in phrase CRY HAVOC (see below) < ME & Anglo Fr havok < OFr havot, prob. < haver, to hook, take, hef, a hook < Frank * haf , to seize: for IE base see HAVE] great destruction and devastation, as that … English World dictionary
havoc — n. & v. n. widespread destruction; great confusion or disorder. v.tr. (havocked, havocking) devastate. Phrases and idioms: play havoc with colloq. cause great confusion or difficulty to. Etymology: ME f. AF havok f. OF havo(t), of unkn. orig … Useful english dictionary