haul down

haul down
[ʹhɔ:lʹdaʋn] phr v
1. спускать, опускать

to haul down a flag - спускать флаг [см. тж. ]

2. травить (канат)

to haul down one's flag /colours/ - сдаваться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "haul down" в других словарях:

  • haul\ down\ one's\ colors — • haul down one s colors • strike one s colors v. phr. 1. To pull down a flag, showing you are beaten and want to stop fighting. After a long battle, the pirate captain hauled down his colors. 2. To admit you are beaten; say you want to quit.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • haul down — {v.}, {informal} 1. To catch (as a ball) usually after a long run. * /Willie hauled down a long fly to center field for the third out./ * /The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown./ 2. To tackle in football. * /Ted was hauled down… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • haul down — {v.}, {informal} 1. To catch (as a ball) usually after a long run. * /Willie hauled down a long fly to center field for the third out./ * /The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown./ 2. To tackle in football. * /Ted was hauled down… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • haul\ down — v informal 1. To catch (as a ball) usually after a long run. Willie hauled down a long fly to center field for the third out. The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown. 2. To tackle in football. Ted was hauled down from behind when… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • haul down one's colors — or[strike one s colors] {v. phr.} 1. To pull down a flag, showing you are beaten and want to stop fighting. * /After a long battle, the pirate captain hauled down his colors./ 2. To admit you are beaten; say you want to quit. * /After losing two… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • haul down one's colors — or[strike one s colors] {v. phr.} 1. To pull down a flag, showing you are beaten and want to stop fighting. * /After a long battle, the pirate captain hauled down his colors./ 2. To admit you are beaten; say you want to quit. * /After losing two… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • haul down one's colors — phrasal : surrender saw she was beaten and hauled down her colors …   Useful english dictionary

  • haul down — verb To violently cause to fall to the ground …   Wiktionary

  • down|haul — «DOWN HL», noun. Nautical. a rope or tackle for hauling down a sail or yard …   Useful english dictionary

  • Down — Down, adv. [For older adown, AS. ad[=u]n, ad[=u]ne, prop., from or off the hill. See 3d {Down}, and cf. {Adown}, and cf. {Adown}.] 1. In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position; below;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Down helm — Down Down, adv. [For older adown, AS. ad[=u]n, ad[=u]ne, prop., from or off the hill. See 3d {Down}, and cf. {Adown}, and cf. {Adown}.] 1. In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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