- hattian
- 1. [ʹhætıən] n ист.
хатт2. [ʹhætıən] a ист.хаттский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hattian — The word Hattian may refer to:* An ancient people of Anatolia, the Hattians. * An extinct language spoken in that region, the Hattic language … Wikipedia
Hattian language — also called Hattic or Khattic or Khattish non Indo European language of ancient Anatolia. The Hattian language appears as hattili ‘in Hattian in Hittite cuneiform texts. Called Proto Hittite by some, Hattian was the language of the… … Universalium
hattian — hat·ti·an … English syllables
hattian — adjective see hatti … Useful english dictionary
Hatti — Hattian, n., adj. /hat ee/, n. 1. an ancient people who lived in central Anatolia before its conquest by the Hittites. 2. (in ancient inscriptions) the Hittites or the land of the Hittites. Also, Khatti. * * * … Universalium
Anatolian languages — Branch of the Indo European language family spoken in Anatolia in the 2nd–1st millennia BC. The attested Anatolian languages are Hittite, Palaic, Luwian (Luvian), Hieroglyphic Luwian, Lycian, and Lydian. Hittite, by far the most copiously… … Universalium
Hattians — The Hattians were an ancient people who inhabited the land of Hatti in present day central and southeastern parts of Anatolia, Turkey. The Hattian civilisation was situated between ca. 2500 2000/1700 BC in the Early and Middle Bronze Age. As the… … Wikipedia
Hattic language — Infobox Language name=Hattic familycolor=Isolate region=Anatolia extinct=around 1100 BC? iso3=xht notice=nonoticeHattic was a language spoken by the Hattians in Asia Minor between the 3rd and the 2nd millennia BC. Scholars call this language… … Wikipedia
Anatolia — /an euh toh lee euh/, n. a vast plateau between the Black and the Mediterranean seas: in ancient usage, synonymous with the peninsula of Asia Minor; in modern usage, applied to Turkey in Asia. Cf. Asia Minor. * * * or Asia Minor Turkish Anadolu… … Universalium
Хаттиан (округ) — Хаттиан (на карте отмечен цифрой 2) (англ. Hattian District) Страна Пакистан Статус Округ Административный центр Хаттиан Бала … Википедия
Illuyanka — In Hittite mythology, Illuyanka was a serpentine dragon slain by Tarhunt (transl|hit|dIM), the Hittite incarnation of the Hurrian god of sky and storm. It is known from Hittite cuneiform tablets found at Çorum Boğazköy, the former Hittite capital … Wikipedia