- hatchable
- [ʹhætʃəb(ə)l] a с.-х.
годный для высиживания, выведения (о яйце)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hatchable — adjective see hatch II … New Collegiate Dictionary
hatchable — adjective able, or liable, to hatch … Wiktionary
hatchable — adj. may be hatched, may be brought forth from an egg … English contemporary dictionary
hatchable — hatch·able … English syllables
hatchable — ˈhachəbəl adjective Etymology: hatch (III) + able of an egg : capable of being hatched … Useful english dictionary
hatchability — ˌhachəˈbiləd.ē noun 1. : the quality or state of being hatchable low hatchability generally means low vitality in the chicks that do hatch Reliable Poultry Journal 2. : the ability to produce hatchable eggs turkey hens which become broody during… … Useful english dictionary
hatch — I. noun Etymology: Middle English hache, from Old English hæc; akin to Middle Dutch hecke trapdoor Date: before 12th century 1. a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship) < an escape hatch > 2. a. an opening in the deck of a ship or … New Collegiate Dictionary
hatch — hatch1 hatchable, adj. hatchability, n. hatcher, n. /hach/, v.t. 1. to bring forth (young) from the egg. 2. to cause young to emerge from (the egg) as by brooding or incubating. 3. to bring forth or produce; devise; create … Universalium
hatchability — noun a) The state of being likely to hatch; a measure of that ability b) The state of being able to produce hatchable eggs; a measure of that ability … Wiktionary
unhatchable — adjective Not hatchable … Wiktionary
poached egg — яйцо пашот hatchable egg инкубационное яйцо storage egg холодильниковое яйцо cracked shell egg яйцо с насечкой egg chlorination хлорирование яиц egg cleaner машина для очистки яиц … English-Russian travelling dictionary