- harvest fish
- [ʹhɑ:vıst͵fıʃ] зоол.
1. баттерфиш (Perpilus)2. поронотус (Poronotus triacanthus)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Harvest fish — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
harvest fish — noun : any of various butterfishes of the family Stromateidae: as a. : a small marine fish (Peprilus paru) having a narrow deep body and being found along the Atlantic coast of America from Brazil to Cape Cod b. : dollarfish 1 * * * harvest fish … Useful english dictionary
Harvest — Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any kind; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
harvest bug — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest fly — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest lord — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
harvest louse — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest mite — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest moon — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest mouse — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harvest queen — Harvest Har vest (h[aum]r v[e^]st), n. [OE. harvest, hervest, AS. h[ae]rfest autumn; akin to LG. harfst, D. herfst, OHG. herbist, G. herbst, and prob. to L. carpere to pluck, Gr. karpo s fruit. Cf. {Carpet}.] 1. The gathering of a crop of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English