- hartshorn
- [ʹhɑ:tshɔ:n] n
1. олений рог2. нашатырный спирт (тж. spirit of hartshorn)3. нюхательная соль
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hartshorn — Harts horn ( h[^o]rn ), n. 1. The horn or antler of the hart, or male red deer. [1913 Webster] 2. Spirits of hartshorn (see below); volatile salts. [1913 Webster] {Hartshorn plantain} (Bot.), an annual species of plantain ({Plantago Coronopus});… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hartshorn — ammonium carbonate, O.E. heortes hornes, from HART (Cf. hart) + HORN (Cf. horn) (n.). So called because a main early source of ammonia was the antlers of harts … Etymology dictionary
hartshorn — [härts′hôrn΄] n. 1. a hart s antler 2. Now Rare ammonium carbonate, used in smelling salts; sal volatile: so called because formerly obtained from deers antlers … English World dictionary
Hartshorn — Various substances were made from the shavings of the animals horns.The oil of hartshorn is a crude animal oil obtained from the destructive distillation of the deers bones or horns.The salt of hartshorn actually refers to two distinct substances … Wikipedia
hartshorn — noun /ˈhɑːtshɔːn/ a) The antler of a hart, once used as a source of ammonia. Sophia, who had tottered along with much difficulty, sunk down in her chair; but by the assistance of hartshorn and water, she was prevented from fainting away... b) An… … Wiktionary
hartshorn — A mixture of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate obtained from ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate by sublimation; used as an expectorant and in smelling salts; so called because originally obtained from deer antlers. * … Medical dictionary
Hartshorn — Recorded in the modern spellings of Hartshorn and Hartshorne, this is an English locational surname from a village of the same name in the county of Derbyshire.Both the village name and the surname have undergone some transition over the… … Surnames reference
hartshorn — n. Carbonate of ammonia (in solution), spirits of hartshorn, liquid ammonia … New dictionary of synonyms
hartshorn — n. archaic 1 an ammonious substance got from the horns of a hart. 2 (in full spirit of hartshorn) an aqueous solution of ammonia. Etymology: OE (as HART, HORN(1)) … Useful english dictionary
Hartshorn plantain — Hartshorn Harts horn ( h[^o]rn ), n. 1. The horn or antler of the hart, or male red deer. [1913 Webster] 2. Spirits of hartshorn (see below); volatile salts. [1913 Webster] {Hartshorn plantain} (Bot.), an annual species of plantain ({Plantago… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hartshorn shavings — Hartshorn Harts horn ( h[^o]rn ), n. 1. The horn or antler of the hart, or male red deer. [1913 Webster] 2. Spirits of hartshorn (see below); volatile salts. [1913 Webster] {Hartshorn plantain} (Bot.), an annual species of plantain ({Plantago… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English