- harrovian
- 1. [həʹrəʋvıən] n
1) воспитанник школы в г. Харроу2) житель г. Харроу2. [həʹrəʋvıən] aотносящийся к г. Харроу или к школе в Харроу
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Harrovian — [ha rō′vē ən] adj. of Harrow n. a student or former student of Harrow … English World dictionary
Harrovian — /heuh roh vee euhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Harrow. n. 2. a pupil or former pupil of Harrow. [1860 65; < NL Harrovi(a) Harrow + AN] * * * … Universalium
Harrovian — Har·ro·vi·an || hÉ™ rəʊvjÉ™n n. student or former student of Harrow School (famous English public school in northwest London, England) … English contemporary dictionary
Harrovian — [hə rəʊvɪən] noun a past or present member of Harrow School, a boys public school in NW London. Origin C19: from mod. L. Harrovia Harrow + an … English new terms dictionary
harrovian — har·ro·vi·an … English syllables
Harrovian — /həˈroʊviən/ (say huh rohveeuhn) adjective 1. of or relating to Harrow. –noun 2. a pupil, past or present, of Harrow School …
harrovian — I. həˈrōvēən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: New Latin Harrovia Harrow + English an, n. suffix : a student of Harrow School in Middlesex, England II. adjective Usag … Useful english dictionary
The Harrovian — is a weekly newspaper published by Harrow School during term time as an organ of record, and a forum for comment, debate and expression of individual opinion within the school . All articles are published anonymously, except for letters which are … Wikipedia
Harrow International School, Bangkok — was established and gained its license to operate in Thailand in 1998 in association with Harrow School (London, UK). The School has 1160 students, both boys and girls, representing 27 different nationalities ranging from 6 months to 18 years.… … Wikipedia
Harrow School — Mottoes Latin: Stet Fortuna Domus ( Let the Fortune of the House Stand ) Latin: Donorum Dei Dispensatio Fidelis ( The Faithful Dispensation of the Gifts of God ) Established 1572 (1243) … Wikipedia
Harrow School — La Harrow School es una escuela de pupilos independiente británica para varones entre 13 y 18 años de edad. La escuela se encuentra en Harrow on the Hill en el municipio de Harrow, Inglaterra. Es una de las primeras escuelas públicas inglesas tal … Wikipedia Español