- hardwareman
- [ʹhɑ:dweə|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹhɑ:dweə}mən])
торговец скобяными изделиями; скобяных дел мастер
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hardwareman — hard ware man (h[aum]rd w[^a]r m[a^]n), n.; pl. {Hardwaremen} (h[aum]rd w[^a]r m[e^]n). One who makes, or deals in, hardware. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hardwareman — noun someone who sells hardware in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger • Syn: ↑ironmonger • Hypernyms: ↑trader, ↑bargainer, ↑dealer, ↑monger … Useful english dictionary
Hardwaremen — hardwareman hard ware man (h[aum]rd w[^a]r m[a^]n), n.; pl. {Hardwaremen} (h[aum]rd w[^a]r m[e^]n). One who makes, or deals in, hardware. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
J. W. Fiske & Company — of New York City was the most prominent American manufacturer of decorative cast iron and cast zinc in the second half of the nineteenth century. [The main source for this article, is Barbara Israel, The metalwork of J.W. Fiske and Company, The… … Wikipedia
baker — Synonyms and related words: bookdealer, bookseller, butcher, chandler, chef, chef de cuisine, chief cook, clothing merchant, confectioner, cook, culinarian, culinary artist, draper, drysalter, fishmonger, fishwife, florist, footwear merchant,… … Moby Thesaurus
bookdealer — Synonyms and related words: baker, bibliognost, bibliographer, biblioklept, bibliolater, bibliomane, bibliomaniac, bibliopegist, bibliophage, bibliophile, bibliopole, bibliopolist, bibliotaph, bibliothec, bibliothecaire, bibliothecary, book agent … Moby Thesaurus
bookseller — Synonyms and related words: baker, bibliognost, bibliographer, biblioklept, bibliolater, bibliomane, bibliomaniac, bibliopegist, bibliophage, bibliophile, bibliopole, bibliopolist, bibliotaph, bibliothec, bibliothecaire, bibliothecary, book agent … Moby Thesaurus
butcher — Synonyms and related words: Cain, amputate, annihilate, annihilator, apache, assassin, assassinator, assault, attack, ax, baggage man, bakehead, baker, barbarize, batter, be all thumbs, bisect, bloodletter, bloodshedder, blunder, blunder away,… … Moby Thesaurus
chandler — Synonyms and related words: baker, bookdealer, bookseller, butcher, caterer, clothing merchant, commissariat, commissary, confectioner, dealer, distributor, donor, draper, drysalter, fishmonger, fishwife, florist, footwear merchant, fruiterer,… … Moby Thesaurus
draper — Synonyms and related words: baker, bookdealer, bookseller, butcher, chandler, clothier, clothing merchant, confectioner, costumer, costumier, dry goods dealer, drysalter, fishmonger, fishwife, florist, footwear merchant, fruiterer, furnisher,… … Moby Thesaurus
fishmonger — Synonyms and related words: baker, bookdealer, bookseller, butcher, chandler, clothing merchant, confectioner, draper, drysalter, fishwife, florist, footwear merchant, fruiterer, furnisher, furrier, greengrocer, grocer, groceryman, haberdasher,… … Moby Thesaurus