- hardstuff
- [ʹhɑ:dstʌf] n амер. сл.
1. сильнодействующие наркотики2. деньги, добытые с трудом или незаконно3. спиртные напитки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hardstuff — Hard Stuff, der; s, s, Hard|stuff, der; s, s [ ha:ɐ̯t staf, ha:ɐ̯tstaf; engl. hard stuff, eigtl. = harter Stoff] (Jargon): starkes Rauschgift (z. B. Heroin, LSD). * * * Hard|stuff [ hɑ:d stʌf], der; s, s (auch:) Hard Stuff, der; s, s [engl. hard… … Universal-Lexikon
Hardstuff — Hard|stuff auch: Hard Stuff 〈[ha:dstʌf] m.; Gen.: ( ) s, Pl.: ( ) s〉 starke Droge [Etym.: engl., »harter Stoff«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Hardstuff — Hard|stuff [...stʌf] der; s, s, auch Hard Stuff der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. hard stuff, eigtl. »harter Stoff«> svw. ↑Hard Drug … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
hardstuff — Noun. General name for strong alcoholic drink such as spirits (whiskey, vodka, brandy etc) … English slang and colloquialisms
Action film — Some of the most well known old school action film heroes. From left: (top row) Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Steven Segal (bottom row) Dolph Lundgren, Jean Claude Van Damme, Wesley Snipes, Jackie Chan Action film is a… … Wikipedia
Thomas Brown (politician) — Infobox Governor name = Thomas Brown order = 2nd office = Governor of Florida term start = October 1, 1849 term end = October 3, 1853 lieutenant = predecessor = William Dunn Moseley successor = James E. Broome birth date = October 25, 1785 birth… … Wikipedia
The Irish Rovers — Infobox musical artist | Name = The Irish Rovers Img capt = Promotional picture of the band. Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Toronto, Ontario, United States, Northern Ireland Genre = folk Years active = 1963–Present Label = Decca… … Wikipedia
Boron suboxide — Chembox new IUPACName = Boron suboxide OtherNames = None Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = ? Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = B6O MolarMass = 80.865 g/mol Appearance = Reddish icosahedral twinned crystals Density = ? MeltingPt = ?… … Wikipedia
Softdrug — Soft|drug auch: Soft Drug 〈[sɔ̣ftdrʌg] f.; Gen.: ( ) , Pl.: ( ) s〉 weiche Droge; Ggs.: Harddrug, Hardstuff [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
down|er — «DOW nuhr», noun. 1. U.S. Slang. a sedative or depressant drug: » ... Janis [Joplin, a rock singer], along with her famous Southern Comfort, harbored a sometime penchant for downers and hardstuff (New York Times). 2. a dull, tiresome person or… … Useful english dictionary