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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hardpressed" в других словарях:

  • hardpressed — adjective Subject to difficulty in accomplishing or making progress …   Wiktionary

  • Billy Mills (poet) — Billy Mills (born 1954) is an Irish experimental poet. He was born in Dublin. He lived in Barcelona from 1986 to 1989, after which he taught English in Eastbourne. As of 2006, he lives in Ireland. [ [http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/contributors l o …   Wikipedia

  • List of city nicknames in the United States — This partial list of city nicknames in the United States compiles the aliases, sobriquets and slogans that cities are known by (or have been known by historically), officially and unofficially, to municipal governments, local people, outsiders or …   Wikipedia

  • Universal prescriptivism — Not to be confused with Linguistic prescription. Universal prescriptivism (often simply called prescriptivism) is the meta ethical view which claims that, rather than expressing propositions, ethical sentences function similarly to imperatives… …   Wikipedia

  • Talanga — For the genus of crambid moths, see Talanga (moth).Talanga Talanga is a municipality in the Honduran department of Francisco Morazán.It lies on the highway connecting Tegucigalpa with the department of Olancho. Talanga is a medium sized… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Tolland (AKA-64) — was a sclass|Tolland|attack cargo ship named after Tolland County, Connecticut. She was designed to carry military cargo and landing craft, and to use the latter to land weapons, supplies, and Marines on enemy shores during amphibious operations …   Wikipedia

  • hard-pressed — /hahrd prest /, adj. heavily burdened or oppressed, as by overwork or financial difficulties; harried; put upon. Also, hardpressed. [1815 25] Syn. assailed, plagued, beset, bedeviled, beleaguered. * * * …   Universalium

  • Siena, Guido da — (active second half of the 13th century)    Guido da Siena is considered the founder of the Sienese School. He painted in the Maniera Greca mode, as exemplified by his key work, the Enthroned Madonna and Child (c. 1280; Siena, Palazzo Pubblico).… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Walsh, Catherine — (1964 )    Irish poet from Cork City who trained at the Samuel Beckett Drama Centre, Trinity College, Dublin. She won the Irish Times/ESB Best Actress of the Year Award 2002. More recently she appeared as Pegeen Mike in Playboy of the Western… …   British and Irish poets

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