- handweave
- 1. [ʹhændwi:v] n
ткань, изготовленная вручную или на ручном станке2. [ʹhændwi:v] v (handwove; handwoven)ткать вручную или на ручном станке
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
handweave — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to produce (fabric) on a handloom; often : to produce (fabric) on a loom on which the shuttle is actually thrown by hand • handweaver ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun … Useful english dictionary
Cherukunnu — ചെറുകുന്ന് (Little Hill) town A monsoon … Wikipedia
handweaver — noun see handweave … Useful english dictionary
hand´weav´er — hand|weave «HAND WEEV», verb, wo|ven, weav|ing, noun. –v.t., v.i. to weave by means of a handloom: »to handweave tapestries. –n. a handwoven fabric: »Among the domestic handweaves [is] a large and handsome assortment of upholstery and drapery… … Useful english dictionary
hand|weave — «HAND WEEV», verb, wo|ven, weav|ing, noun. –v.t., v.i. to weave by means of a handloom: »to handweave tapestries. –n. a handwoven fabric: »Among the domestic handweaves [is] a large and handsome assortment of upholstery and drapery goods (New… … Useful english dictionary
hand|wo|ven — «HAND WOH vuhn», verb, adjective. –v past participle of handweave. –adj. woven or produced by means of a loom worked by hand … Useful english dictionary