- anorthosite
- [əʹnɔ:θəsaıt] n мин.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Anorthosite — (pronEng|æˈnɔrθəsaɪt/, /ə ) is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar (90–100%), and a minimal mafic component (0–10%). Pyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, and olivine are the mafic minerals most… … Wikipedia
Anorthosite — lunaire, Musée national d histoire naturelle, Washington, DC. L Anorthosite est une roche phanéritique intrusive et ignée, composée pour la plus grande partie de feldspath plagioclase (90 100%), et d une petite quantité (0 10%) de composants… … Wikipédia en Français
anorthosite — ● anorthosite nom féminin Roche plutonique presque entièrement constituée de plagioclases. ● anorthosite (synonymes) nom féminin Roche plutonique presque entièrement constituée de plagioclases. Synonymes : plagioclasite … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anorthosite — A*nor tho*site, n. [F. anorthose triclinic feldspar (fr. Gr. ? priv. + ? straight) + ite.] (Petrol.) A granular igneous rock composed almost exclusively of a soda lime feldspar, usually labradorite. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anorthosite — [an ôr′thō sīt΄; an ôr′thəsīt΄] n. [< Fr anorthose < Gr an , not + orthos (see ANORTHITE) + ITE1] a type of gabbro, usually light colored, made up almost entirely of plagioclase feldspars, esp. labradorite … English World dictionary
anorthosite — anorthositic /an aw theuh sit ik/, adj. /an awr theuh suyt /, n. Petrol. a granular plutonic rock composed largely of labradorite or a more calcic feldspar. [1860 65; < F anorthose anorthoclase (an AN 1 + Gk orthós straight) + ITE1] * * * Type of … Universalium
anorthosite — noun A phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar. The second, or Labrador series is characterized, as already remarked, by the predominance of great beds of anorthosite, composed chiefly of… … Wiktionary
anorthosite — noun Etymology: French anorthose, a feldspar, from a + Greek orthos more at orth Date: 1863 a granular plutonic igneous rock composed almost exclusively of a soda lime feldspar (as labradorite) • anorthositic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
anorthosite — [ə nɔ:θəsʌɪt] noun Geology a granular igneous rock composed largely of labradorite or another plagioclase. Origin C19: from Fr. anorthose plagioclase + ite1 … English new terms dictionary
anorthosite — an·or·tho·site … English syllables
anorthosite — an•or•tho•site [[t]ænˈɔr θəˌsaɪt[/t]] n. pet a granular plutonic rock composed largely of labradorite or a more calcic feldspar • Etymology: 1860–65; < F anorthose (an I+ Gk orthós straight) + ite I an•or tho•sit′ic ˈsɪt ɪk adj … From formal English to slang