handhold — (n.) 1640s, from HAND (Cf. hand) (n.) + HOLD (Cf. hold) (n.1) … Etymology dictionary
handhold — ► NOUN ▪ something for a hand to grip on … English terms dictionary
handhold — [hand′hōld΄] n. 1. a secure grip or hold with the hand or hands 2. a part or thing to take hold of … English World dictionary
handhold — [[t]hæ̱ndhoʊld[/t]] handholds N COUNT A handhold is a small hole or hollow in something such as rock or a wall that you can put your hand in if you are trying to climb it. I found handholds and hoisted myself along … English dictionary
Handhold (dance) — A handhold is a manner the dancers hold each other s hands during the dance. A hold is the way one partner holds another one with hands. Hold and handhold are important components of connection in dance. Couple dances Waist hand hold Shoulder… … Wikipedia
handhold — noun Date: 1643 1. hold, grip 2. something to hold on to (as in mountain climbing) … New Collegiate Dictionary
handhold — /hand hohld /, n. 1. a grip with the hand or hands. 2. something to grip or take hold of, as a support or handle. [1635 45; HAND + HOLD1] * * * … Universalium
handhold — noun A projection that one may hold onto for support … Wiktionary
handhold — hand|hold [ˈhændhəuld US hould] n a part of something that you can hold onto when climbing it … Dictionary of contemporary English
handhold — n. something which can be grasped by the hand; gripping with one or more hands … English contemporary dictionary
handhold — noun something for a hand to grip on … English new terms dictionary