- hand puppet
- [ʹhænd͵pʌpıt]
кукла-марионетка (надеваемая на руку)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hand puppet — hand ,puppet noun count AMERICAN a type of PUPPET that you move by putting your hand inside … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hand puppet — n. a kind of puppet that fits over the hand and is manipulated from within by moving the fingers … English World dictionary
Hand puppet — A hand puppet (also called a glove puppet) [ Logan, D, Puppetry , p.15] is a type of puppet that is controlled by the hand or hands that occupies the interior of the puppet. [ Sinclair, A, The Puppetry Handbook , p.15] Glove puppets are a… … Wikipedia
hand puppet — noun a puppet with a cloth body and hollow head; fits over the hand • Syn: ↑glove puppet, ↑glove doll • Hypernyms: ↑puppet * * * noun, pl ⋯ pets [count] US : a puppet that fits over your hand like a glove and is moved by the fingers and hand of… … Useful english dictionary
hand puppet — hand′ pup pet n. sbz a puppet designed to be fitted over the hand, which manipulates it • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
hand puppet — /ˈhænd pʌpət/ (say hand pupuht) noun a puppet which is largely controlled by the puppeteer s hand inside the puppet, especially inside the puppet s head. Compare glove puppet …
hand puppet — noun A puppet operated by the hand, especially one in which the puppeteers hand occupies and controls the head Syn: glove puppet … Wiktionary
hand puppet — a puppet made of a hollow head sewn or glued to material that fits over the hand, concealing the fingers and thumb, which manipulate it. [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
hand puppet — noun Date: 1937 puppet 1a … New Collegiate Dictionary
hand puppet — A small, hollow cloth figure, usually of a person or animal, that fits over and is moved by the hand … Glossary of Art Terms
Puppet — A puppet is a representational figure manipulated by a puppeteer. It is usually (but by no means always) a depiction of a human character, and is used in puppetry, a play or a presentation that is a very ancient form of theatre. The puppet… … Wikipedia