
1. [͵ækəʹdemık] n
1. преподаватель, профессор или научный сотрудник (высшего) учебного заведения
2. pl чисто теоретические, академические аргументы, рассуждения, споры и т. п.
3. pl = academicals
4. pl разг. учебные занятия (в колледже и т. п.)
5. (Academic) сторонник школы Платона, платонист (см. Academe 1)
2. [͵ækəʹdemık] a
1. 1) университетский; академический

academic hour - академический час

academic year - учебный год

academic freedoms - унив. академические свободы

academic failure - неуспеваемость

academic curriculum - курс обучения, учебный план университета и т. п.

academic dress, амер. academic costume = academicals

2) академический, относящийся к академии
3) фундаментальный (противоп. прикладному; о науках)
4) гуманитарный (противоп. техническому; об образовании и т. п.)
2. 1) академический, чисто теоретический, отвлечённый, оторванный от практики

academic argument - чисто теоретическое доказательство

out of purely academic interest - из чисто теоретического интереса

2) неодобр. не имеющий никакого практического значения; праздный (о вопросе и т. п.)

an academic discussion of a matter already settled - бесполезное /бесцельное/ обсуждение уже решённого дела

3. канонический, традиционный

academic painting - академическая живопись

4. (Academic) филос. платонический, относящийся к учению Платона

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "academic" в других словарях:

  • academic — ACADÉMIC, Ă, academici, ce, adj. 1. Care ţine de academie, privitor la academie. ♢ Titlu academic = diplomă obţinută într o şcoală de grad universitar. ♦ (Substantivat, m.; înv.) Membru al Academiei Române. 2. Distins, solemn; de o corectitudine… …   Dicționar Român

  • academic — Ⅰ. academic UK US /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ adjective ► relating to schools, colleges, and universities, or connected with studying and thinking rather than practical skills: »Employers nowadays are more interested in candidates abilities and personality… …   Financial and business terms

  • academic — The central meanings of this word (‘of or belonging to an academy or institution for higher learning’) survive, but a little more than a century ago it developed a depreciatory range of meanings ‘merely theoretical, having no practical… …   Modern English usage

  • Academic — Ac a*dem ic, Academical Ac a*dem ic*al, a. [L. academicus: cf. F. acad[ e]migue. See {Academy}.] 1. Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato; as, the Academic sect or philosophy. [1913 Webster] 2. Belonging to an academy or other higher… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • academic — [adj1] relating to schooling, learning bookish, book learned, college, collegiate, erudite, intellectual, learned, pedantic, scholarly, scholastic, studious, university; concept 536 Ant. ignorant, untaught academic [adj2] relating to theories,… …   New thesaurus

  • academic — [ak΄ə dem′i kəlak΄ə dem′ik] adj. [L academicus < academia: see ACADEMY] 1. of colleges, universities, etc.; scholastic; scholarly 2. having to do with general or liberal rather than technical or vocational education 3. of or belonging to an… …   English World dictionary

  • academic — (adj.) 1580s, relating to an academy, also collegiate, scholarly, from L. academicus of the Academy, from academia (see ACADEMY (Cf. academy)). Meaning theoretical, not practical, not leading to a decision (such as university debates or classroom …   Etymology dictionary

  • Academic — Ac a*dem ic, n. 1. One holding the philosophy of Socrates and Plato; a Platonist. Hume. [1913 Webster] 2. A member of an academy, college, or university; an academician. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • academic — index didactic, disciplinary (educational), moot, speculative, theoretical Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • ACADEMIC — Press, Inc. (informationswissenschaftl. Veoeffentlicher) …   Acronyms

  • ACADEMIC — Press, Inc. (informationswissenschaftl. Veröffentlicher) …   Acronyms von A bis Z

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