- hamburger meat
- [ʹhæmbɜ:gə͵mi:t] амер.
мясной фарш
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hamburger meat — … Useful english dictionary
hamburger — (n.) 1610s, native of Hamburg; the meat product so called from 1884, hamburg steak, named for the German city of HAMBURG (Cf. Hamburg), though no certain connection has ever been put forth, and there may not be one unless it be that Hamburg was a … Etymology dictionary
Hamburger — This article is about the sandwich. For the meat served as part of such a sandwich, see Patty. For other uses, see Hamburger (disambiguation). Hamburger A hamburger Origin Place of origin … Wikipedia
hamburger — /ham berr geuhr/, n. 1. a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground or chopped beef, usually in a roll or bun, variously garnished. 2. ground or chopped beef. 3. Also called Hamburg steak. a patty of ground or chopped beef, seasoned and… … Universalium
meat-eating — Meat eating was apparently well established for all classes and castes in very ancient India. The VEDAS show BRAHMINS and others eating beef as well as an assortment of other meats. With the rise of the notion of AHIMSA (nonharm), first… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
hamburger — ☆ hamburger [ham′bʉr΄gər ] n. [earlier Hamburg steak, after HAMBURG2] 1. ground beef 2. a fried, broiled, or baked patty of such meat 3. a sandwich made with such a patty, usually in a round bun: Also hamburg … English World dictionary
Hamburger Helper — is a line of packaged food products primarily consisting of boxed pasta bundled with a packet or packets of powdered sauce/seasonings. The contents of each box are combined with browned ground beef, water and milk to create a complete dish. The… … Wikipedia
hamburger — ham·burg·er (hăm’bûr′gər) also ham·burg ( bûrg′) n. 1) a) Ground meat, usually beef. b) A patty of such meat. 2) A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun. ╂ [Short for Hamburger steak, after HAMBURG(Cf. ↑Hamburg … Word Histories
Hamburger — BOLOGNA, (HOT DOG), HAMBURGER Three fine European cities have become eponyms for common American edibles. Bologna, a gastronomic center in northern Italy, has been credited with many delectable dishes that have spread throughout the world;… … Dictionary of eponyms
Meat — For other uses, see Meat (disambiguation). Varieties of meat Meat is animal flesh that is used as food.[1] Most often, this means the skeletal muscle and associated fat and other tissues, but … Wikipedia
Hamburger — Ein Hamburger (auch kurz Burger) ist ein Weichbrötchen mit verschiedenen Belägen, das meistens als warmes Schnell oder Fertiggericht verkauft wird. Hamburger werden hauptsächlich mit dem sog. patty, einer gegrillten Scheibe aus Rinderhackfleisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia