- haircut
- [ʹheəkʌt] n
to have a haircut - постричься
you need a haircut - тебе пора постричься
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to have a haircut - постричься
you need a haircut - тебе пора постричься
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
haircut — USA A finance term for a discount or loss. An investor is said to take a haircut on a poor investment that has been sold at a loss. The term is also used when discussing the percentage at which eligible collateral pledged under a trading… … Law dictionary
Haircut — (englisch für: „Haarschnitt“) steht für: einen US amerikanischen Film, siehe Haircut (Film) die britische Band Haircut 100 eine Methode auf Kapitalmärkten zur (drastischen) Herabsetzung des Bondwertes, siehe auch Umschuldung … Deutsch Wikipedia
haircut — (n.) also hair cut, 1887, act of cutting the hair, from HAIR (Cf. hair) + CUT (Cf. cut). As style of wearing the hair, by 1890. The Romans began to cut the hair about A.U.C. 454, when Ticinius Maenas introduced Barbers from Sicily. Then they… … Etymology dictionary
haircut — ► NOUN 1) the style in which someone s hair is cut. 2) an act of cutting someone s hair … English terms dictionary
haircut — [her′kut΄] n. 1. a cutting or clipping of the hair of the head 2. the style in which the hair is cut haircutter n … English World dictionary
haircut — (1) A lender s informal expression for a collateral margin. The amount by which the value of collateral exceeds the loan it secures. Commonly used with repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements informally called repos and reverses. (2) The… … Financial and business terms
haircut — n. 1) to get a haircut 2) to give smb. a haircut 3) a short haircut * * * a short to get a haircut to give smb. a haircut … Combinatory dictionary
haircut — hair|cut [ˈheəkʌt US ˈher ] n 1.) when you have a haircut, someone cuts your hair for you have/get a haircut ▪ I haven t had a haircut for months! ▪ You need a haircut! 2.) the style your hair is cut in ▪ Do you like my new haircut? … Dictionary of contemporary English
Haircut — The margin or difference between the actual market value of a security and the value assessed by the lending side of a transaction ( ie. a repo). The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * haircut hair‧cut [ˈheəkʌt ǁ ˈher ] noun [countable]… … Financial and business terms
haircut — [[t]he͟ə(r)kʌt[/t]] haircuts 1) N COUNT If you have a haircut, someone cuts your hair for you. Your hair is all right; it s just that you need a haircut. 2) N COUNT A haircut is the style in which your hair has been cut. Who s that guy with the… … English dictionary
haircut */ — UK [ˈheə(r)ˌkʌt] / US [ˈherˌkʌt] noun [countable] Word forms haircut : singular haircut plural haircuts 1) an act of cutting someone s hair He was badly dressed and needed a haircut. 2) the style that your hair has been cut in a short stylish… … English dictionary