- hair cell
- [ʹheəsel] биол.
волосковая клетка (в кортиевом органе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hair cell — n a cell with hairlike processes esp one of the sensory cells in the auditory epithelium of the organ of Corti … Medical dictionary
hair cell — hair′ cell n. cbl an epithelial cell having hairlike processes, as that of the organ of Corti • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
hair cell — n. any of the nerve cells of the inner ear having groups of projecting, hairlike receptors that are sensitive to vibrations and sound waves: see also ORGAN OF CORTI … English World dictionary
Hair cell — For hair cells on the external skin, see Hair follicle. For algal hair cells , see Trichocyte (disambiguation). Neuron: Hair cell Section through the spiral organ of Corti. Magnified. ( Oute … Wikipedia
hair cell — noun a sensory epithelial cell present in the organ of Corti • Hypernyms: ↑epithelial cell • Part Holonyms: ↑organ of Corti * * * noun : a cell with hairlike processes; especially : one of the sensory cells in the auditory epithelium of the organ … Useful english dictionary
hair cell — /ˈhɛə sɛl/ (say hair sel) noun a cell with a hair like process, the mechanical stimulation of which often triggers some form of response in nerve fibres running from the cell …
hair cell — a mechano sensory cell having microvilli. Vibration or pressure deform the microvilli and send an electrical signal to the associated nerve cell. They are often highly directional deformation in one direction cause rate of discharge to increase… … Dictionary of ichthyology
hair cell — noun Date: circa 1890 a cell with hairlike processes; especially one of the sensory cells in the auditory epithelium of the organ of Corti … New Collegiate Dictionary
hair cell — Biol. an epithelial cell having hairlike processes, as that of the organ of Corti. [1885 90] * * * … Universalium
cochlear hair cell — The sound sensing cell of the inner ear. The cells have modified ciliary structures (hairs), that enable them to produce an electrical (neural) response to mechanical motion caused by the effect of sound waves on the cochlea. Frequency is… … Dictionary of molecular biology
cell of Corti — cell of Cor·ti kȯrt ē n a hair cell in the organ of Corti A. Corti see ORGAN OF CORTI … Medical dictionary