- hagiology
- [͵hægıʹɒlədʒı] n рел.
агиология, описание житий святых
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hagiology — Ha gi*ol o*gy ( j[y^]), n. [Gr. a gios sacred + logy.] The history or description of the sacred writings or of sacred persons; a narrative of the lives of the saints; a catalogue of saints. J. H. Newman. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hagiology — (n.) study of saints lives, 1807, from Gk. hagios holy, devoted to the gods + OLOGY (Cf. ology). First element perhaps from PIE *yag to worship, reverence, and cognate with Gk. agnos chaste, Skt. yajati reveres (a god) with sacrifices, worships,… … Etymology dictionary
hagiology — [hag΄ē äl′ə jē, hā΄jēäl′ə jē] n. pl. hagiologies [ HAGIO + LOGY] HAGIOGRAPHY hagiologic [hag΄ēə läj′ik, hā΄jēə läj′ik] adj. hagiological … English World dictionary
Hagiology Publishing — Hagiology Publishing, formed in 1998, is a collective of fans of Southampton F.C. [http://www.hagiologists.com/about.htm Hagiology Publishing ] ] committed to the collection and dissemination of accurate information on the history of the club.… … Wikipedia
hagiology — noun Date: 1807 1. literature dealing with venerated persons or writings 2. a list of venerated figures • hagiologic or hagiological adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
hagiology — hagiologic /hag ee euh loj ik, hay jee /, hagiological, adj. hagiologist, n. /hag ee ol euh jee, hay jee /, n., pl. hagiologies for 2, 3. 1. the branch of literature dealing with the lives and legends of the saints. 2. a biography or narrative of … Universalium
hagiology — noun literature dealing with the lives of saints … Wiktionary
Hagiology — The body of literature concerned with lives and legends of Christian saints; also a collection of saints traditions, e.g. Eusebius s stories of the martyrs of Palestine in the 4c, or Pope Gregory s Dialogues, which recount stories about St… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
hagiology — study of saints Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
hagiology — n. literature that describes the lives of saints; biography of a saint; collection of sacred writings … English contemporary dictionary
hagiology — [ˌhagɪ ɒlədʒi] noun literature concerned with the lives and legends of saints. Derivatives hagiological adjective hagiologist noun … English new terms dictionary