- haemolytic
- [͵hi:|mə(ʋ)ʹlıtık,͵he{mə(ʋ)ʹlıtık}-] a мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
haemolytic — adj. causing, associated with, or resulting from destruction of red blood cells (erythrocyte). For example, a haemolytic antibody is one that causes destruction of red cells; a haemolytic anaemia is due to red cell destruction (see anaemia) … Medical dictionary
haemolytic — adj. causing, associated with, or resulting from destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes). For example, a haemolytic antibody is one that causes destruction of red cells; a haemolytic anaemia is due to red cell destruction (see anaemia) … The new mediacal dictionary
Haemolytic — Haemolysis H[ae]*mol y*sis (h[ e]*m[o^]l [i^]*s[i^]s), n., Haemolytic H[ae]m o*lyt ic (h[e^]m [ o]*l[i^]t *[i^]c or h[=e] m[ o] ), a. (Physiol.) Same as {H[ae]matolysis}, {H[ae]matolytic}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
haemolytic — adjective relating to or involving or causing hemolysis hemolytic anemia • Syn: ↑hemolytic • Pertains to noun: ↑hemolysis, ↑hemolysis (for: ↑hemolytic) … Useful english dictionary
haemolytic anaemia — (= hemolytic anemia (USA) ) Anaemia resulting from reduced red cell survival time, either because of an intrinsic defect in the erythrocyte (hereditary spherocytosis or ellipsocytosis, enzyme defects, haemoglobinopathy), or an extrinsic damaging… … Dictionary of molecular biology
haemolytic disease of the newborn — the condition resulting from destruction (haemolysis) of the red blood cells of the fetus by antibodies in the mother s blood passing through the placenta. This most commonly happens when the red blood cells of the fetus are Rh positive (i.e.… … Medical dictionary
haemolytic disease of the newborn — the condition resulting from destruction (haemolysis) of the red blood cells of the fetus by antibodies in the mother s blood passing through the placenta. This most commonly happens when the red blood cells of the fetus are Rh positive (i.e.… … The new mediacal dictionary
haemolytic uraemic syndrome — a condition in which sudden rapid destruction of red blood cells (see haemolysis) causes acute renal failure due partly to obstruction of small arteries in the kidneys. The haemolysis also causes a reduction in the number of platelets, which can… … Medical dictionary
haemolytic disease of the newborn — noun Medicine a severe form of anaemia in a fetus or newborn infant caused by incompatibility with the mother s blood type … English new terms dictionary
haemolytic uraemic syndrome — a condition in which sudden rapid destruction of red blood cells (see haemolysis) causes acute renal failure due partly to obstruction of small arteries in the kidneys. The haemolysis also causes a reduction in the number of platelets, which can… … The new mediacal dictionary
haemolytic anaemia — noun anemia resulting from destruction of erythrocytes • Syn: ↑hemolytic anemia • Hypernyms: ↑anemia, ↑anaemia … Useful english dictionary