- haemal
- [ʹhi:m(ə)l] a
1. физиол. относящийся к крови и кровеносным сосудам; кровеносный
haemal system - система кровеносных сосудов
2. анат. относящийся к той части тела, где расположено сердце
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
haemal system - система кровеносных сосудов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Haemal — H[ae] mal (h[=e] mal), a. [Gr. a i^ma blood.] Pertaining to the blood or blood vessels; also, ventral. See {Hemal}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Haemal arch — A haemal arch is a bony arch on the underside of a tail vertebra of a vertebrate. It may represent the ribs of that tail vertebra.The hole so formed is the haemal canal.It sometimes has a haemal spine on.The blood vessels to and from the tail run … Wikipedia
haemal rib — a misnomer for a ventral rib (one of the ribs surrounding and protecting the viscera and articulating with the parapophyses of the vertebrae) based on the fallacy that it was homologous with a haemal arch bone. As some fish have ventral ribs on… … Dictionary of ichthyology
haemal canal — the tube formed by all the haemal arches, through which run the caudal vein and dorsal aorta … Dictionary of ichthyology
haemal funnel — the lengthening of the haemapophyses beyond the bridging of the haemal arch of the posterior abdominal vertebrae where they almost form a second arch but the haemapophyses never fuse, e.g. in Atherinops, Atherinopsis (Atherinidae) … Dictionary of ichthyology
haemal spine — a spine extending downwards from the lower end of the haemal arch in posterior or caudal vertebrae. Also called haemacanth and haemapophysis … Dictionary of ichthyology
haemal vertebra — a vertebra with a haemal spine, i.e. a caudal vertebra … Dictionary of ichthyology
haemal — hae·mal || hɪËml adj. of or pertaining to the blood or blood vessels … English contemporary dictionary
haemal — [ hi:m(ə)l] (US hemal) adjective 1》 Physiology of or concerning the blood. 2》 Zoology situated on the same side of the body as the heart and major blood vessels (i.e. in chordates, ventral). Origin C19: from Gk haima blood + al … English new terms dictionary
haemal — /ˈhiməl/ (say heemuhl) adjective 1. of or relating to the blood or blood vessels. 2. Zoology denoting, relating to, or on the side of the body ventral to the spinal axis, containing the heart and great blood vessels. Also, hemal. {haem(a) + al1}… …
haemal — a. pertaining to blood … Dictionary of difficult words