- hack around
- [ʹhækəʹraʋnd] phr v разг.
болтаться без дела; шляться; слоняться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hack around — in. to waste time. □ You guys are always hacking around. Get busy! □ I wanted to hack around for a year after college, but my finances disagreed … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hack around — N. Amer. informal pass one s time idly. → hack … English new terms dictionary
hack around — slang, loaf, idle; fool around. See inactivity, amusement … English dictionary for students
hack around — pass one s time idly or with no definite purpose … Useful english dictionary
hack — hack1 [hak] vt. [ME hacken < OE haccian, akin to Ger hacken < IE base * keg , peg, hook > HOOK, HATCHEL] 1. a) to chop or cut crudely, roughly, or irregularly, as with a hatchet b) to shape, trim, damage, etc. with or as with rough,… … English World dictionary
hack — hack1 /hak/, v.t. 1. to cut, notch, slice, chop, or sever (something) with or as with heavy, irregular blows (often fol. by up or down): to hack meat; to hack down trees. 2. to break up the surface of (the ground). 3. to clear (a road, path,… … Universalium
hack — hack1 verb 1》 cut with rough or heavy blows. 2》 kick wildly or roughly. 3》 use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data. ↘program quickly and roughly. 4》 [usu. with negative] (hack it) informal manage; cope. 5》 (hack someone off)… … English new terms dictionary
hack — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. chop, hew, slash, cut. n. cough, stutter; hackney, cab. See disjunction, vehicle. hack around hack it II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A literary drudge] Syn. scribbler, pulp story writer, ghost writer,… … English dictionary for students
.hack//Roots — hack//Roots ドットハック ルーツ (Dotto Hakku Rūtsu) Genre Adventure, Fantasy, Science fiction … Wikipedia
.hack — logo .hack (pronounced dot hack ) is a Japanese multimedia franchise that encompasses two projects; Project .hack and .hack Conglomerate. Both projects were primarily created/developed by CyberConnect2, and published by Bandai. The series is… … Wikipedia
.hack//Sign — Tsukasa (front), Aura (right), Subaru (left). Genre Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Science fiction … Wikipedia