- gyronny
- [͵dʒaı(ə)ʹrɒnı] a геральд.
разделённый на треугольники (о щите)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gyronny — Gy ron*ny (j[imac] r[o^]n*n[y^]), a. [F. gironn[ e].] (Her.) Covered with gyrons, or divided so as to form several gyrons; said of an escutcheon. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gyronny — /juy ron ee, juy reuh nee/, adj. Heraldry. divided into a number of gyrons, usually eight: gyronny of eight. [1350 1400; GYRON + Y3; r. ME gerundi < MF gironne having gyrons] * * * … Universalium
Gyronny — Her. Term for a shield divided into six triangular segments, i.e. gyrons, by lines which radiate star like from the *fess point. Cf. Gyron … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
gyronny — [dʒʌɪ rɒni] adjective Heraldry (of a shield) divided into eight gyrons. Origin ME: from Fr. gironné, from giron (see gyron) … English new terms dictionary
gyronny — gy·ron·ny … English syllables
gyronny — jīˈränē, ˈjīrənē adjective Etymology: Middle English jerownde, gerundi, from Middle French gironné, geronné, from Old French, from giron, geron, n. : divided so as to form a number of gyrons used of a heraldic coat of arms … Useful english dictionary
Variation of the field — In heraldry, variations of the field are any of a number of ways that a field (or a charge) may be covered with a pattern, rather than a flat tincture or a simple division of the field. Contents 1 Patterning with ordinaries and subordinaries 1.1… … Wikipedia
Clan MacTavish — Crest badge … Wikipedia
Compone — coat of arms of Beaufort, earls and dukes of Somerset, being the royal arms of England differenced with a bordure compony argent and azure In heraldry, an ordinary componé, compony or gobony is composed of a row of panes of alternating tinctures; … Wikipedia
Flag of Lisbon — The Flag of Lisbon is a gyronny of four parts of black and four of white with the coat of arms in the center. For civil use there is a version without the coat of arms. The gyronny pattern indicates city status. ee also*Flag of Ceuta *Coat of… … Wikipedia
heraldry — heraldist, n. /her euhl dree/, n., pl. heraldries. 1. the science of armorial bearings. 2. the art of blazoning armorial bearings, of settling the rights of persons to bear arms or to use certain bearings, of tracing and recording genealogies, of … Universalium