- gymnosophist
- [dʒımʹnɒsəfıst] n
1. ист. гимнософист (член древней индуистской аскетической сект)2. редк. аскет; мистик
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gymnosophist — Gym*nos o*phist (j[i^]m*n[o^]s [ o]*f[i^]st), n. [Gr. gymnosofisth s; gymno s naked + sofisth s philosopher; cf. F. gymnosophiste.] One of a sect of philosophers, said to have been found in India by Alexander the Great, who went almost naked,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gymnosophist — c.1400, from Gk. gymnosophistai the naked philosophers, from gymnos naked (see NAKED (Cf. naked)) + sophistes sophist (see SOPHIST (Cf. sophist)). Ancient Hindu holy men whose self denial extended to clothes; they were known to the Greeks through … Etymology dictionary
gymnosophist — [jim näs′ə fist] n. [ME genosophis < L gymnosophistae, pl. < Gr gymnosophistai: see GYMNO & SOPHIST] a member of an ancient Hindu sect of ascetics who wore little or no clothing … English World dictionary
Gymnosophist — Als Gymnosophisten (gebildet aus altgriechisch γυμνός gymnós „nackt“ und altgriechisch σοφία sophía = „Weisheit“ griechisch γυμνοσοφισταί, „nackte Weise“) bezeichneten die Griechen indische Asketen, denen Alexander der Große… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gymnosophist — noun /ʤɪmˈnɒsəfɪst/ One of a school of ancient Indian ascetic philosophers, reported in antiquity, who wore little clothing; a mystic. I was speaking today with an unclothed Hindu religious, a parama hamsa, on the steps of a Portuguese church, a… … Wiktionary
gymnosophist — noun Etymology: Latin gymnosophista, from Greek gymnosophistēs, from gymnos + sophistēs wise man, sophist Date: 15th century any of a sect of ascetics in ancient India who went naked and practiced meditation … New Collegiate Dictionary
gymnosophist — gymnosophy, n. /jim nos euh fist/, n. one of a group of Jainist philosophers, existing from ancient times to c1000, characterized by refusal to wear clothes and the abandonment of caste marks; a member of the Digambara sect. [1400 50; late ME < L … Universalium
Gymnosophist — Gym|no|so|phịst, der; en, en [griech. gymnosophiste̅s]: indischer Asket in der griechischen Literatur u. in der Historiographie … Universal-Lexikon
Gymnosophist — Gym|no|so|phist der; en, en <aus gr. gymnosophiste̅s, eigtl. »nackter Weiser«> griech. Bez. für einen indischen ↑Asketen (↑Jogi) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
gymnosophist — [dʒɪm nɒsəfɪst] noun a member of an ancient Hindu sect who wore very little clothing and were given to asceticism and contemplation. Derivatives gymnosophy noun Origin ME: from Fr. gymnosophiste, via L. from Gk gumnosophistai (plural), from… … English new terms dictionary
gymnosophist — gym·nos·o·phist … English syllables