- guttiferous
- [gʌʹtıf(ə)rəs] a
выделяющий камедь, подверженный камедетечению (о растениях)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Guttiferous — Gut*tif er*ous, a. (Bot.) (a) Yielding gum or resinous substances. (b) Pertaining to a natural order of trees and shrubs ({Guttifer[ae]}) noted for their abounding in a resinous sap. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
guttiferous — I. |gə|tif(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: New Latin guttifer guttiferous (from gutti from Latin gutta drop + Latin fer ferous) + English ous more at gout : yielding gum or resinous substances … Useful english dictionary
guttiferous — exuding drops Bearing and Carrying … Phrontistery dictionary
guttiferous — gut·tif·er·ous … English syllables
Bearing and Carrying — The following table is a relatively complete listing of words relating to the bearing, exuding, carrying, emitting, or containing of things by other things. Note that almost all of them end in ferous or gerous (from the Latin ferre and gerere,… … Phrontistery dictionary
gutta — n. (pl. ae) drop. ♦ gutta percha, n. rubber like substance. ♦ gutta rosacea, acne rosacea. ♦ gutta serena, amaurosis. ♦ guttate, a. like a drop; having spots like drops. ♦ guttiferous, a. yielding gum. ♦ guttiform, a. drop… … Dictionary of difficult words
Guttiferae — noun widely distributed family of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines that produce oils and resins and some usable timber • Syn: ↑family Guttiferae, ↑Clusiaceae, ↑family Clusiaceae, ↑St John s wort family • Hypernyms: ↑dilleniid dicot… … Useful english dictionary