
[ʹgʌsıt] n
1. 1) вставка, клин (в платье и т. п.)
2) ластовица
2. клин, клиновидный участок земли
3. ист. кольчужный подмышник доспеха
4. геральд. красный знак позора (на щите герба)
5. 1) тех. косынка, угловое соединение, наугольник
2) мор. горизонтальная кница

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gusset" в других словарях:

  • Gusset — Gus set, n. [F. gousset armpit, fob, gusset, dim. of gousse pod, husk; cf. It. guscio shell, or W. cwysed gore, gusset.] 1. A small piece of cloth inserted in a garment, for the purpose of strengthening some part or giving it a tapering… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gusset — [gus′it] n. [ME guschet < OFr gousset] 1. a piece of chain mail or a metal plate protecting the opening of a joint in a suit of armor 2. a triangular or diamond shaped piece sewn into a garment, glove, etc. to make it stronger or roomier 3. a… …   English World dictionary

  • gusset — early 14c., from O.Fr. gosset armpit; piece of armor for the armpit (13c.), apparently from gousse “shell of a nut,” of unknown origin. Originally an armorer s term; of clothing from 1560s …   Etymology dictionary

  • gusset — ► NOUN 1) a piece of material sewn into a garment to strengthen or enlarge a part of it, e.g. the crotch of an undergarment. 2) a bracket strengthening an angle of a structure. ORIGIN Old French gousset small pod or shell …   English terms dictionary

  • Gusset — A gusset is a device, often triangular, used to reinforce a connection between two components. Gussets are commonly used in engineering, sewing and armour.ewingIn sewing, a gusset is a triangular or square piece of fabric inserted into a seam to… …   Wikipedia

  • gusset — UK [ˈɡʌsɪt] / US [ˈɡʌsət] noun [countable] Word forms gusset : singular gusset plural gussets a small extra piece of cloth sewn into a piece of clothing, especially underwear, to make it stronger or more comfortable …   English dictionary

  • gusset — noun Etymology: Middle English, piece of armor covering the joints in a suit of armor, from Anglo French goussete Date: circa 1570 1. a usually diamond shaped or triangular insert in a seam (as of a sleeve, pocketbook, or shoe upper) to provide… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gusset — /ˈgʌsət / (say gusuht) noun 1. an angular piece of material inserted in a garment to strengthen, enlarge or give freedom of movement to some part of it. 2. a metal bracket for strengthening a structure at a joint or angle. 3. Armour a. a mail… …  

  • gusset plate — noun a metal plate used to strengthen a joist • Syn: ↑gusset • Hypernyms: ↑plate, ↑brace, ↑bracing * * * noun see gusset I, 2b …   Useful english dictionary

  • gusset stay — noun see gusset I, 2b …   Useful english dictionary

  • gusset tongue — noun see gusset I, 1c …   Useful english dictionary

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