- gullet
- [ʹgʌlıt] n
1. 1) пищевод2) разг. глотка2. диал.1) пролив; устье реки; канал2) овраг, балка3. углубление между зубьями пилы4. водосточная или канализационная труба
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
gullet — c.1300 (as a surname), from O.Fr. golet neck (of a bottle); gutter; bay, creek, dim. of gole throat, neck (Mod.Fr. guele), from L. gula throat, also appetite, from PIE root *gwele swallow (Cf. L. gluttire to gulp down, devour, O.E. ceole throat … Etymology dictionary
gullet — [gul′ət] n. [ME golet < OFr goulet, throat, narrow passage, dim. of goule < L gula, throat < IE base * gel , to swallow > OE ceole, Ger kehle, throat] 1. the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach; esophagus 2. the throat or neck… … English World dictionary
Gullet — Gul let, n. [OE. golet, OF. Goulet, dim. of gole, goule, throat, F. gueule, L. gula; perh. akin to Skr. gula, G. kenle; cf. F. goulet the neck of a bottle, goulotte channel gutter. Cf. {Gules}, {Gully}.] 1. (Anat.) The tube by which food and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gullet — ► NOUN ▪ the passage by which food passes from the mouth to the stomach; the oesophagus. ORIGIN Old French goulet little throat … English terms dictionary
gullet — [14] Latin gula meant ‘throat’. It was a descendant of Indo European *gel ‘swallow’, which also produced German kehle ‘throat’ and English glut and glutton. Gula passed into Old French as gole or goule (whence modern French gueule ‘mouth’), where … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
gullet — UK [ˈɡʌlɪt] / US [ˈɡʌlət] noun [countable] Word forms gullet : singular gullet plural gullets the oesophagus … English dictionary
gullet — [14] Latin gula meant ‘throat’. It was a descendant of Indo European *gel ‘swallow’, which also produced German kehle ‘throat’ and English glut and glutton. Gula passed into Old French as gole or goule (whence modern French gueule ‘mouth’), where … Word origins
gullet — n. [L. gula, gullet] The esophagus … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gullet — [[t]gʌ̱lɪt[/t]] gullets N COUNT Your gullet is the tube which goes from your mouth to your stomach … English dictionary
gullet — noun the bird s gullet Syn: esophagus, throat, maw, pharynx; crop, craw; archaic throttle, gorge … Thesaurus of popular words
gullet worm — noun : a nematode worm infesting the gullet; especially : any of various worms (as Gongylonema pulchrum or Syngamus laryngeus) that invade the epithelial lining of the esophagus of ruminants … Useful english dictionary