
1. [gest] n
1. гость

distinguished /honorary/ [unbidden] guest - почётный [непрошенный] гость

the guest of the city [of the University] - гость города [университета]

to expect [to entertain] guests - ожидать [занимать /принимать/] гостей

be my guest! - будьте моим гостем!; располагайтесь как дома (тж. ирон.)

2. постоялец (в гостинице)

paying guest - жилец частного пансиона

3. примета, предвещающая гостей
4. биол. паразит

a constant guest is never welcome - ≅ частого гостя не жалуют

2. [gest] a
1. гостевой
2. приглашённый; гастролирующий

guest speaker - приглашённый оратор

guest conductor [actor] - приглашённый /гастролирующий/ дирижёр [актёр]

3. [gest] v
1. принимать как гостя

he was royally guested - его принимали по-королевски

2. редк. быть гостем; гостить

to guest at a place - гостить в каком-л. месте

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "guest" в других словарях:

  • Guest — may refer to:* Guest (word), one who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another. * The Guest , a short story by Albert Camus * The Guest (album), a 2002 album by Phantom Planet * USS Guest (DD 472), a U.S. Navy Fletcher class… …   Wikipedia

  • Guest — steht für: einen Ortsteil der Gemeinde Diedrichshagen im Landkreis Vorpommern Greifswald in Mecklenburg Vorpommern Guest ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Charlotte Guest (1812–1895), britische Übersetzerin Barbara Guest (1920–2006), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • guest — n. Someone who receives hospitality; someone invited into another person’s home for entertainment or driven by another person in a car without paying for the ride. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc.… …   Law dictionary

  • guest — has developed a wide range of uses in which payment may or may not be involved (as it is with paying guests and guest workers). The development of attributive uses (before a noun) that go well beyond the core meaning of guest may be seen in guest …   Modern English usage

  • guest — (n.) O.E. gæst, giest (Anglian gest) guest; enemy; stranger, the common notion being stranger, from P.Gmc. *gastiz (Cf. O.Fris. jest, Du. gast, Ger. Gast, Goth. gasts guest, originally stranger ), from PIE root *ghosti strange …   Etymology dictionary

  • guest — guest·en; guest·er; guest; guest·ing; guest·less; guest·ly; bar·guest; …   English syllables

  • guest — [gest] noun [countable] someone who is paying to stay in a hotel: • The hotel still prepares guests bills by hand. * * * guest UK US /gest/ noun [C] ► a person who has been invited to a place: »The factory owners treated us as honored guests.… …   Financial and business terms

  • guest — ► NOUN 1) a person invited to visit someone s home or take part in a function. 2) a visiting performer invited to take part in an entertainment. 3) a person staying at a hotel or boarding house. ► VERB informal ▪ appear as a guest. ● be my guest… …   English terms dictionary

  • guest — [gest] n. [ME gest < ON gestr, akin to OE gæst, Ger gast < IE base * ghostis, stranger, guest > L hostis] 1. a) a person entertained at the home of another; visitor b) a person entertained by another acting as host at a restaurant,… …   English World dictionary

  • Guest — (g[e^]st), n. [OE. gest, AS. g[ae]st, gest; akin to OS., D., & G. gast, Icel. gestr, Sw. g[ a]st, Dan. Gj[ a]st, Goth. gasts, Russ. goste, and to L. hostis enemy, stranger; the meaning stranger is the older one, but the root is unknown. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Guest — Guest, v. i. To be, or act the part of, a guest. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] And tell me, best of princes, who he was That guested here so late. Chapman. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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