- annates
- [ʹæn(e)ıts] n pl церк. ист.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Annates — • The first fruits, or first year s revenue of an ecclesiastical benefice paid to the Papal Curia (in medieval times to bishops also) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Annates Annates … Catholic encyclopedia
Annates — (Latin annatae) were the whole of the first year s profits of a benefice which were generally given to the papal treasury. They were also known as the First Fruits (Latin primitiae), a concept which dates back to earlier Greek, Roman, and Hebrew… … Wikipedia
ANNATES — Nom donné, au Moyen Âge, à une taxe levée par la papauté à l’occasion d’une nouvelle collation d’un bénéfice mineur et dont le montant correspondait théoriquement aux revenus d’une année de ce bénéfice, ou «annates». Cette taxe apparut au cours… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ANNATES — A cet article du Dictionnaire encyclopédique, savamment traité, comme le sont tous les objets de jurisprudence dans ce grand et important ouvrage, on peut ajouter que l époque de l établissement des annates étant incertaine, c est une preuve… … Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire
annates — ▪ tax a tax on the first year s income (first fruits) from an ecclesiastical benefice given by a new incumbent either to the bishop or to the pope. The first mention of the practice appears in the time of Pope Honorius III (d. 1227). The… … Universalium
Annates — Annate Les Annates étaient un impôt perçu par le Pape sur les bénéfices ecclésiastiques, à chaque vacance du siège doté. Créé par Clément V (1305 1314, premier pape d Avignon) en 1306, cet impôt représentait une année de revenus, déduction faite… … Wikipédia en Français
Annates — Annats An nats, Annates An nates, n. pl. [See {Ann}.] (Eccl. Law) The first year s profits of a spiritual preferment, anciently paid by the clergy to the pope; first fruits. In England, they now form a fund for the augmentation of poor livings.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Annates — See First fruits … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
annates — n. tithe of income given to the Pope … English contemporary dictionary
annates — [ aneɪts] plural noun chiefly historical a year s revenue of a Roman Catholic see or benefice, paid to the Pope by a bishop or other cleric newly appointed to the see or benefice. Origin C16: from Fr., from med. L. annata year s proceeds , from… … English new terms dictionary
Annates — ♦ First year s income paid to the papacy by the incumbent of a benefice to which he had been papally provided. (Heath, Peter. Church and Realm, 1272 1461, 359) Related terms: Services … Medieval glossary