- grumpy
- [ʹgrʌmpı] a
сердитый, сварливый; раздражительный
a grumpy old man - старый ворчун, старый брюзга
how grumpy you are today! - сегодня ты всё время брюзжишь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a grumpy old man - старый ворчун, старый брюзга
how grumpy you are today! - сегодня ты всё время брюзжишь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Grumpy — may refer to:* Grumpy Old Men (film) * Grumpier Old Men * Grumpy Old Men (TV series) * Grumpy Old Women * The Grumpy Old Bookman * Mr. Grumpy * Grumpy Justins * Grumpy Groundhog, a planned Ubuntu permanently unstable version.ee also* Irritable… … Wikipedia
Grumpy — Título (no traducido) Ficha técnica Dirección George Cukor Cyril Gardner Guion Doris Anderson Música … Wikipedia Español
Grumpy — Grump y, a. [Cf. {Grumble}, and {Grum}.] Surly; dissatisfied; grouty. [Collog.] Ferby. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grumpy — index petulant, resentful, restive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
grumpy — 1778, from GRUMP (Cf. grump) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Grumpily; grumpiness … Etymology dictionary
grumpy — [adj] in a bad mood bad tempered, cantankerous*, crabby*, cross, crotchety, disgruntled, dissatisfied, griping, grouchy*, grumbling, irritable, peevish, pettish, petulant, querulous, sulky, sullen, surly, testy, truculent; concepts 401,403 Ant.… … New thesaurus
grumpy — ► ADJECTIVE (grumpier, grumpiest) ▪ bad tempered and sulky. DERIVATIVES grumpily adverb grumpiness noun … English terms dictionary
grumpy — [grum′pē] adj. grumpier, grumpiest [ GRUMP + Y2] grouchy; peevish; bad tempered: occas. grumpish grumpily adv. grumpiness n … English World dictionary
grumpy — adj. (colloq.) grumpy about * * * [ grʌmpɪ] (colloq.) grumpy about … Combinatory dictionary
grumpy — grump|y [ˈgrʌmpi] adj [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: grump grumpy person (18 21 centuries), probably from the sound of someone complaining] bad tempered and easily annoyed ▪ Mina s always a bit grumpy first thing in the morning. >grumpily adv… … Dictionary of contemporary English
grumpy — [[t]grʌ̱mpi[/t]] grumpier, grumpiest ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is grumpy, you mean that they are bad tempered and miserable. Some folk think I m a grumpy old man. Derived words: grumpily ADV GRADED ADV with v I know, I know, said Ken,… … English dictionary