
1. [grʌdʒ] n
1) недовольство; недоброжелательство; зависть

to bear smb. a grudge, to have /to keep up, to nurse, to cherish/ a grudge against smb. - иметь зуб против кого-л.

to owe smb. a grudge - не без причины злиться на кого-л.; затаить злобу против кого-л.

to cherish a secret [perpetual] grudge against smb. - тайно вынашивать [постоянно таить] недобрые чувства к кому-л.

2) причина недовольства, недоброжелательства; обида

to pay off old grudges - отплатить за старые обиды

2. [grʌdʒ] v
1. жалеть, неохотно давать; неохотно позволять

to grudge smb. the food he eats - жалеть кому-л. кусок хлеба

to grudge the time for a walk - жалеть время на прогулку

to grudge no pains - не жалеть труда

he does not grudge his efforts - он не жалеет усилий /сил/

2. испытывать недоброе чувство; завидовать

I do not grudge him his success - я не завидую его успеху

3. уст. ворчать, жаловаться

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Смотреть что такое "grudge" в других словарях:

  • Grudge — (gr[u^]j), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Grudger}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Grudging}.] [OE. grutchen, gruchen, grochen, to murmur, grumble, OF. grochier, grouchier, grocier, groucier; cf. Icel. krytja to murmur, krutr a murmur, or E. grunt.] 1. To look upon with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grudge — may refer to:* A deep seated feeling of resentment or rancor. * The Grudge , a 2004 American horror film.:The Grudge 2, 2006 film:The Grudge 3, upcoming 2008 film * , a January, 2003 Japanese horror film.: , an August 2003 film: , upcoming 2008… …   Wikipedia

  • Grudge — Grudge, n. 1. Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel. [1913 Webster] Esau had conceived a mortal grudge and enmity against his brother Jacob. South. [1913 Webster] The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grudge — Grudge, v. i. 1. To be covetous or envious; to show discontent; to murmur; to complain; to repine; to be unwilling or reluctant. [1913 Webster] Grudge not one against another. James v. 9. [1913 Webster] He eats his meat without grudging. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • grudge — vb begrudge, envy, *covet Analogous words: *deny: refuse (see DECLINE) grudge n *malice, ill will, malevolence, spite, despite, malignity, malignancy, spleen Analogous words: animus, antipathy, animosity, rancor (see ENMITY …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • grudge — [n] hard feelings animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, bad blood*, bitterness, bone to pick*, dislike, enmity, grievance, hate, hatred, ill will, injury, injustice, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy, peeve, pet peeve*, pique,… …   New thesaurus

  • grudge — [gruj] vt. grudged, grudging [LME gruggen, var. of grucchen < OFr grouchier] 1. to envy and resent (someone) because of that person s possession or enjoyment of (something); begrudge [to grudge a person his success] 2. to give with reluctance… …   English World dictionary

  • grudge — index dissatisfaction, feud, rancor, refuse, resentment, spite, umbrage Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • grudge — (v.) mid 15c., to murmur, complain, variant of GRUTCH (Cf. grutch). Meaning to begrudge is c.1500. Related: Grudged; grudges; grudging; grudgingly. The noun is mid 15c., from the verb …   Etymology dictionary

  • grudge — ► NOUN ▪ a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. ► VERB 1) be resentfully unwilling to grant or allow (something). 2) feel resentful that (someone) has achieved (something). DERIVATIVES grudging… …   English terms dictionary

  • grudge — grudge1 [grʌdʒ] n 1.) a feeling of dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the past grudge against ▪ Is there anyone who might have had a grudge against her? ▪ Mr Gillis was not normally a man to bear grudges . ▪ I m …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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