- grove
- [grəʋv] n
1) лесок, роща
beech [olive, orange] grove - буковая [оливковая, апельсиновая] роща
2) деревья по сторонам аллеи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
beech [olive, orange] grove - буковая [оливковая, апельсиновая] роща
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Grove — ist der Name folgender Orte: in Deutschland, siehe Grove (Schleswig Holstein) in Dänemark Grove (Brøndum Sogn) bei Brøndum Sogn, Skive Kommune Grove (Grove Sogn) bei Grove Sogn, Herning Kommune in England: Grove (Buckinghamshire) Grove (Dorset)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
GROVE (A.) — GROVE Andrew (1936 ) Depuis 1987, Andy Grove dirige Intel (Integrated Electronics), le premier fabricant mondial de microprocesseurs, cette fameuse petite tranche de silicium qui pilote les ordinateurs. Créée en 1968 à Santa Clara, près de San… … Encyclopédie Universelle
grove — [grəuv US grouv] n [: Old English; Origin: graf] 1.) a piece of land with trees growing on it grove of ▪ a small grove of beech trees olive/lemon/palm etc grove ▪ He owns an orange grove near Tel Aviv. 2.) Grove … Dictionary of contemporary English
Grove — [grəʊv], 1) Frederick Philip, eigentlich Felix Paul Greve, kanadischer Schriftsteller deutscher Herkunft, * Radomno (Westpreußen) 14. 2. 1879, ✝ bei Simcoe (Provinz Ontario) 19. 8. 1948; wuchs in Hamburg auf, studierte in Bonn und … Universal-Lexikon
Grove — (Эль Грове,Испания) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: Rosalía de Castro, 51, 36980 Эль Гр … Каталог отелей
Grove — (gr[=o]v), n. [AS. graf, fr. grafan to dig. The original sense seems to have been a lane cut through trees. See {Grave}, v., and cf. {Groove}.] A smaller group of trees than a forest, and without underwood, planted, or growing naturally as if… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grove — [ grouv ] noun count a group of trees of a particular type, especially trees arranged in lines: an orange/olive grove a grove of coconut trees … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Grove — Grove, OK U.S. city in Oklahoma Population (2000): 5131 Housing Units (2000): 2807 Land area (2000): 9.014379 sq. miles (23.347133 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.054273 sq. miles (0.140566 sq. km) Total area (2000): 9.068652 sq. miles (23.487699 sq … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Grove, OK — U.S. city in Oklahoma Population (2000): 5131 Housing Units (2000): 2807 Land area (2000): 9.014379 sq. miles (23.347133 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.054273 sq. miles (0.140566 sq. km) Total area (2000): 9.068652 sq. miles (23.487699 sq. km) FIPS … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
grove — grove·less; man·grove; grove; … English syllables
Grove — Grove, George Grove, O … Enciclopedia Universal