
1> _мор. донная волна
2> _мор. крупная волна на мелководье
3> _мор. прибой; накат; волна, разведенная кораблем
4> _мор. признаки надвигающейся бури, резкой перемены
5> _ам. массовый энтузиазм; широкая общественная поддержка
to ride the ground-swell of popular movement держаться на
гребне волны народного движения
6> подспудно надвигающийся (о переменах)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "groundswell" в других словарях:

  • Groundswell — may refer to one of following: Albums * Groundswell , a 2003 LP album by Parts Labor ** Groundswell, the last (10th) song from this album Bands * Groundswell, the previous name of the Canadian rock band Three Days Grace * Groundswell, a band… …   Wikipedia

  • groundswell — ground swell (ground sw[e^]l ), n. 1. A long, deep wave in the sea, sometimes caused by distant winds or storms. [PJC] 2. A rising sentiment of support or enthusiasm, especially among the general public; as, a groundswell of opinion favoring… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • groundswell — 1818, from GROUND (Cf. ground) (n.) + SWELL (Cf. swell). Figurative sense is attested from 1817 …   Etymology dictionary

  • groundswell — ► NOUN 1) a large swell in the sea. 2) a build up of opinion in a large section of the population …   English terms dictionary

  • groundswell — [ground′swel΄] n. 1. a violent swelling or rolling of the ocean, caused by a distant storm or earthquake 2. a rapidly growing wave of popular sentiment, opinion, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Groundswell — May Day Festival 2006 in Indianapolis. Gründung 1992 als Groundswell 1997 als Three Days Grace …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • groundswell — ground|swell [ˈgraundswel] n [singular] a sudden increase in a particular feeling among people groundswell of ▪ There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed. ▪ a groundswell of support for the Prime Minister …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • groundswell — [[t]gra͟ʊndswel[/t]] N SING: with supp, usu N of n A sudden growth of public feeling or support for something is often called a groundswell. [JOURNALISM] There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority...… …   English dictionary

  • groundswell — noun Date: 1786 1. (usually ground swell) a broad deep undulation of the ocean caused by an often distant gale or seismic disturbance 2. a rapid spontaneous growth (as of political opinion) < a groundswell of support > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • groundswell — /grownd swel /, n. 1. a broad, deep swell or rolling of the sea, due to a distant storm or gale. 2. any surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, esp. among the general public: a groundswell of political support for the governor. [1810 20;… …   Universalium

  • groundswell — ground|swell [ graund,swel ] noun singular a sudden increase in people s feelings about something: a groundswell of opinion against the early release of the prisoners …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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