- gregale
- [greıʹgɑ:leı] n (pl -s [-{greıʹgɑ:leı}z]) ит.
северо-западный ветер на Средиземном море
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gregale — Gregale, meist stürmischer Nordostwind auf Malta, soviel wie Greco (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
gregale — /gray gah lay/, n. a strong northeast wind that blows in the central and western Mediterranean area. Also, grégal /gray gahl /, gregau /gray gow /. Also called Euroclydon. [1795 1805; < It grecale, gregale < LL Grecalis. See GREEK, AL1] * * * ▪… … Universalium
gregale — gre·gà·le agg. BU del gregge, relativo alle greggi | istinto gregale, che spinge a raggrupparsi in gregge {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1557. ETIMO: dal lat. gregāle(m), der. di grex, gregis gregge … Dizionario italiano
gregale — grāˈgä(ˌ)lā noun ( s) Etymology: Italian grecale, gregale, from grecale, gregale Greek, from Late Latin Graecalis, from Latin Graecus + alis al more at greek : a strong cold northeast wind of the central Mediterranean called also Euroclydon … Useful english dictionary
Gregale — The Gregale is a Mediterranean wind that can occur during times when a low pressure area moves through the area to the south of Malta and causes a strong, cool, northeasterly wind to affect the island. It also affects other islands of the Western … Wikipedia
Gregale — Der Gregale ist im Winter ein kühler, kräftiger Wind der im östlichen Mittelmeer weht. Er weht über das Tyrrhenische Meer von Nordwesten her nach Korsika, dort bringt er im Norden der Insel Regen und im Süden aber Trockenheit. Siehe auch: Winde… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Grégale — Grec (vent) Pour l’article homonyme, voir Grec. Rose des vents sur la Méditerranée1 … Wikipédia en Français
gregale — noun /ɡɹeɪˈɡɑːleɪ/ a strong Mediterranean wind blowing from the north east , 1963: The dog days have ended, the maijstral has ceased to blow. Soon the other wind called gregale will bring the gentle rains to solemnize the sowing of our red wheat … Wiktionary
gregale — pl.m. e f. gregali … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
gregale — A strong northeast wind on the Mediterranean … Aviation dictionary
gregale — gre·ga·le … English syllables