Grasping — Grasp ing, a. 1. Seizing; embracing; catching. [1913 Webster] 2. Avaricious; greedy of gain; covetous; close; miserly; as, he is a grasping man. {Grasp ing*ly}, adv. {Grasp ing*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grasping — index illiberal, insatiable, mercenary, parsimonious, rapacious, venal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
grasping — greedy, acquisitive, late 14c., prp. adjective from GRASP (Cf. grasp) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
grasping — greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, *covetous Analogous words: rapacious, ravening, ravenous (see VORACIOUS): extorting or extortionate (see corresponding verb at EDUCE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
grasping — [adj] greedy acquisitive, avaricious, avid, close fisted, covetous, desirous, extorting, extortionate, grabby*, itchy*, mean, miserly, niggardly*, penny pinching*, penurious, prehensile, rapacious, selfish, stingy*, tightfisted*, usurious, venal; … New thesaurus
grasping — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ greedy … English terms dictionary
grasping — [gras′piŋ] adj. 1. that grasps 2. eager for gain; avaricious SYN. GREEDY graspingly adv … English World dictionary
grasping — [[t]grɑ͟ːspɪŋ, græ̱sp [/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as grasping, you are criticizing them for wanting to get and keep as much money as possible, and for being unwilling to spend it. ...a greedy grasping drug ridden… … English dictionary
grasping — /ˈgræspɪŋ / (say grasping), /ˈgrasp / (say grahsp ) verb 1. present participle of grasp. –adjective 2. that grasps. 3. covetous, mean or greedy: *These hard, mean, grasping money grubbers! –henry handel richardson, 1917. –graspingly, adverb… …
grasping — graspingly, adv. graspingness, n. /gras ping, grahs /, adj. 1. greedy; avaricious: a sly, grasping man. 2. being used to grasp or tending to grasp; tenacious. [1540 50; GRASP + ING2] Syn. 1. covetous, selfish, acquisitive, venal. * * * … Universalium
grasping — grasp|ing [ˈgra:spıŋ US ˈgræs ] adj too eager to get money and unwilling to give any of it away or spend it ▪ Hanson was a hard, grasping man … Dictionary of contemporary English