- grapher
- [ʹgræfə,ʹgrɑ:fə] n спец.
самопишущий прибор
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Grapher — unter Mac OS X 10.5.0 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Grapher — es un programa de computación de Mac OS X v10.4 y 10.5 capaz de crear gráficos en 2D y 3D a partir de simples y complejas ecuaciones. Su versión más reciente es la 2.0. Fue desarrollado por Apple. También soporta múltiples ecuaciones en un… … Wikipedia Español
-grapher — [grə fər] combining form forming nouns the agent of a (specified) method or process for recording or describing [telegrapher, stenographer] * * * grapher suff. One who writes about a specified subject or in a specified manner: stenographer. … … Universalium
-grapher — [grə fər] combining form forming nouns the agent of a (specified) method or process for recording or describing [telegrapher, stenographer] … English World dictionary
Grapher — Infobox Software name = Grapher caption = Grapher running under Mac OS X 10.5.0 developer = Apple Inc. latest release version = 2.0 latest release date = October 26, 2007 operating system = Mac OS X genre = Mathematics license = Bundled website … Wikipedia
Grapher — Программы для построения графиков: Golden Software Grapher, выпускается с 1983 года Apple Grapher Advanced Grapher Equation Grapher … Википедия
-grapher — comb. form forming nouns denoting a person concerned with a subject (geographer; radiographer). Etymology: from or after Gk graphos writer + ER(1) * * * grəfə(r), sometimes ˌgraf when there is a corresponding verb form in “ graph” noun combining… … Useful english dictionary
-grapher — combining form indicating a person concerned with a subject denoted by a noun ending in graphy. Origin from Gk graphos writer + er1 … English new terms dictionary
-grapher — aff. a combining form of agent nouns corresponding to nouns ending in graph or graphy: calligrapher; geographer; photographer[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk graph(os)(see graph) + er … From formal English to slang
Apple Grapher — Grapher Тип Программа для построения графиков уравнений Разработчик Apple Computer Операционная система Mac OS X Последняя версия 2.3 (44) Лицензия Проприетарная Grapher программа от Apple для построения графиков уравн … Википедия
List of Speed Grapher characters — The Speed Grapher anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Yuusuke Kozaki and Masashi Ishihama. The series takes place in a fictional universe where the rich and powerful can have their deepest desires filled by a fetish… … Wikipedia